
Filters: Sites: US-KCM
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Publications Found: 6

Multi-scale analyses of solar induced fluorescence and gross primary production
Wood, J.D., Griffis, T.J., Baker, J.M., Frankenberg, C., Verma, M., Yuen, K.

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 44: 533-541 (2017), ISBN . DOI: doi: 10.1002/2016GL070775 Sites: US-KCM

Oco-2 Advances Photosynthesis Observation From Space Via Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Sun, Y., Frankenberg, C., Wood, J. D., Schimel, D. S., Jung, M., Guanter, L., Drewry, D. T., Verma, M., Porcar-Castell, A., Griffis, T. J., Gu, L., Magney, T. S., Köhler, P., Evans, B., Yuen, K.

Journal: Science, Volume 358 (6360): eaam5747 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1126/science.aam5747 Sites: US-KCM, US-MOz

Partitioning N2O emissions within the US Corn Belt using an inverse modeling approach
Chen, Z., Griffis, T.J., Millet, D.B., Wood, J.D., Lee, X. Baker, J.M., Xiao, K., Turner, P.A., Chen, M., Zobitz, J., Wells, K.C.

Journal: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Volume 30: 1192-1205 (2016), ISBN . DOI: doi: 10.1002/2015GB005313 Sites: US-KCM

Investigating The Source, Transport, And Isotope Composition Of Water Vapor In The Planetary Boundary Layer
Griffis, T.J., Wood, J.D., Baker, J.M., Lee, X., Xiao, K., Chen, Z., Welp, L.R., Schultz, N., Gorski, G., Chen, M., Nieber, J.

Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Volume 16 (8): 5139-5157 (2016), ISBN . DOI: doi:10.5194/acp-16-5139-2016 Sites: US-KCM

Indirect nitrous oxide emissions from streams within the US Corn Belt scale with stream order
Turner, P.A., Griffis, T.J., Lee, X. Baker, J.M., Venterea, R.T., Wood, J.D.

Journal: PNAS, Volume 112: 9839-9843 (2015), ISBN . DOI: doi: 10.1073/pnas.1503598112 Sites: US-KCM

Reconciling the differences between top-down and bottom-up estimates of nitrous oxide emissions for the US Corn Belt
Griffis, T.J., Lee, X., Baker, J.M., Russelle, M.P., Zhang, X., Venterea, R., Millet, D.B.

Journal: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Volume 27: 746–754 (2013), ISBN . DOI: doi: 10.1002/gbc.20066 Sites: US-KCM