
Filters: Sites: US-BdC
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Publications Found: 1

Delta-Flux: An Eddy Covariance Network for a Climate-Smart Lower Mississippi Basin
Benjamin R. K. Runkle, James R. Rigbyb, Michele L. Rebac, Saseendran S. Anapallid, Joydeep Bhattacharjeee, Ken W. Kraussf, Lu Liangg, Martin A. Locke, Kimberly A. Novick, Ruixiu Suid, Kosana Suvočareva and Paul M. White

Networks of remotely monitored research sites are increasingly the tool used to study regional agricultural impacts on carbon and water fluxes. However, key national networks such as the National Ecological Observatory Network and AmeriFlux lack contributions from the Lower Mississippi River Basin (LMRB), a highly productive agricultural …

Journal: Agricultural & Environmental Letters, Volume 2 (1): 170003 - 170003 (2017). DOI: 10.2134/ael2017.01.0003 Sites: US-BdA, US-BdC, US-Cst, US-Goo, US-HRA, US-HRC, US-ULM