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Publications Found: 57

Species Control Variation In Litter Decomposition In A Pine Forest Exposed To Elevated CO2
Finzi, A. C., Schlesinger, W. H.

Net primary production and the flux of dry matter and nutrients from vegetation to soils has increased following four years of exposure to elevated CO2 in a southern …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 8 (12): 1217-1229 (2002), ISBN . DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2002.00551.x Sites: US-Dk3

Short-Term Light And Leaf Photosynthetic Dynamics Affect Estimates Of Daily Understory Photosynthesis In Four Tree Species
Naumburg, E., Ellsworth, D. S.
Instantaneous measurements of photosynthesis are often implicitly or explicitly scaled to longer time frames to provide an understanding of plant performance in a given environment. For plants growing in a forest understory, results from photosynthetic light response curves in conjunction with diurnal light …

Journal: Tree Physiology, Volume 22 (6): 393-401 (2002), ISBN . DOI: 10.1093/treephys/22.6.393 Sites: US-Dk3

Hydrologic Balance In An Intact Temperate Forest Ecosystem Under Ambient And Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
Schafer, K. V., Oren, R., Lai, C., Katul, G. G.

Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration decreases stomatal conductance in many species, but the savings of water from reduced transpiration may permit the forest to retain greater leaf area index (L). Therefore, the net effect on water use in forest ecosystems under a higher CO2 atmosphere is difficult …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 8 (9): 895-911 (2002), ISBN . DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2002.00513.x Sites: US-Dk3

Forest Carbon Balance Under Elevated CO2
Hamilton, J., Finzi, A., DeLucia, E., George, K., Naidu, S., Schlesinger, W.

Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology was used to expose a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) forest to elevated atmospheric CO2 (ambient + 200 µl l–1). After 4 years, basal area …

Journal: Oecologia, Volume 131 (2): 250-260 (2002), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s00442-002-0884-x Sites: US-Dk3

Multiscale Analysis Of Vegetation Surface Fluxes: From Seconds To Years
Katul, G., Lai, C., Schäfer, K., Vidakovic, B., Albertson, J., Ellsworth, D., Oren, R.

The variability in land surface heat (H), water vapor (LE), and CO2 (or net ecosystem exchange, NEE) fluxes was investigated at scales ranging from fractions of seconds to years using eddy-covariance flux measurements above a pine forest. Because these fluxes …

Journal: Advances In Water Resources, Volume 24 (9-10): 1119-1132 (2001), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/s0309-1708(01)00029-x Sites: US-Dk3

Gross Primary Productivity In Duke Forest: Modeling Synthesis Of CO2 Experiment And Eddy-Flux Data
Luo, Y., Medlyn, B., Hui, D., Ellsworth, D., Reynolds, J., Katul, G.

Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 11 (1): 239-252 (2001), ISBN . DOI: 10.2307/3061070 Sites: US-Dk3

Sensible Heat Flux Estimation By Flux Variance And Half-Order Time Derivative Methods
Wesson, K. H., Katul, G., Lai, C.

This study is the first to contrast two similarity theory methods, the flux variance and the half-order time derivative, over a wide range of atmospheric stability and surface roughness conditions. These …

Journal: Water Resources Research, Volume 37 (9): 2333-2343 (2001), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2001wr900021 Sites: US-Dk3

Quantifying The Complexity In Mapping Energy Inputs And Hydrologic State Variables Into Land-Surface Fluxes
Katul, G. G., Lai, C., Albertson, J. D., Vidakovic, B., Schäfer, K. V., Hsieh, C., Oren, R.

This study explores the complexity (or disorder) in mapping energy (Rn) forcing to land surface fluxes of sensible heat (Hs), water vapor (LE), and carbon dioxide (or net ecosystem exchange, NEE) for different soil water states (θ). Specifically, we ask, does the vegetation …

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 28 (17): 3305-3307 (2001), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2000gl012154 Sites: US-Dk3

Elevated CO2 Differentiates Ecosystem Carbon Processes: Deconvolution Analysis Of Duke Forest FACE Data
Luo, Y., Wu, L., Andrews, J. A., White, L., Matamala, R., Schafer, K. V., Schlesinger, W. H.

Journal: Ecological Monographs, Volume 71 (3): 357-376 (2001), ISBN . DOI: 10.2307/3100064 Sites: US-Dk3

Transpiration In Response To Variation In Microclimate And Soil Moisture In Southeastern Deciduous Forests
Oren, R., Pataki, D. E.

Responses of forests to changes in environmental conditions reflect the integrated behavior of their constituent species. We investigated sap flux-scaled transpiration responses of two species prevalent in upland eastern hardwood forests,Journal: Oecologia, Volume 127 (4): 549-559 (2001), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s004420000622 Sites: US-Dk3