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Filters: Sites: CA-Obs
Clear Filters Publications Found: 42
Transpiration Of A Boreal Pine Forest Measured By Branch Bag, Sap Flow And Micrometeorological Methods
Saugier, B., Granier, A., Pontailler, J. Y., Dufrene, E., Baldocchi, D. D.
Journal: Tree Physiology, Volume 17 (8-9): 511-519 (1997). DOI: 10.1093/treephys/17.8-9.511 Sites: CA-Obs
Saugier, B., Granier, A., Pontailler, J. Y., Dufrene, E., Baldocchi, D. D.
Three independent methods were used to evaluate transpiration of a boreal forest: the branch bag, sap flow and eddy covariance methods. The branch bag method encloses several thousand needles and gives a continuous record of branch transpiration. The sap flow method provides a continuous record of sap velocity and an estimate of …
Journal: Tree Physiology, Volume 17 (8-9): 511-519 (1997). DOI: 10.1093/treephys/17.8-9.511 Sites: CA-Obs
Variability In Leaf-Level CO2 And Water Fluxes In Pinus Banksiana And Picea Mariana In Saskatchewan
Sullivan, J. H., Bovard, B. D., Middleton, E. M.
We measured seasonal and canopy-level gas exchange in two stands of jack pine (Pinus banksianaLamb.) and one stand of black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) on relatively clear days from late May until mid-September 1994. Field measurements were made with a portable infrared gas analyzer, …
Journal: Tree Physiology, Volume 17 (8-9): 553-561 (1997). DOI: 10.1093/treephys/17.8-9.553 Sites: CA-Obs, CA-Ojp
Sullivan, J. H., Bovard, B. D., Middleton, E. M.
Journal: Tree Physiology, Volume 17 (8-9): 553-561 (1997). DOI: 10.1093/treephys/17.8-9.553 Sites: CA-Obs, CA-Ojp
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