
Filters: Sites: US-Uaf
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Publications Found: 18

Satellite-based modeling of the carbon fluxes in mature black spruce forests in Alaska: a synthesis of the eddy covariance data and satellite remote sensing data
Ueyama, M., Harazono, Y., and Ichii, K.

Journal: 2010, Volume 14: 1-27 (2010), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Influence of source/sink distributions on flux-gradient relationships in the roughtness sublayer over an open forest canopy under unstable conditions
Iwata, H., Harazono, Y., and Ueyama, M.

Journal: Boundary Layer Meteorol., Volume 136: 391-405 (2010), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Response of the carbon cycle in sub-arctic black spruce forests to climate change: Reduction of a carbon sink related to the sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration.
Ueyama, M., Harazono, Y., Kim, Y. and Tanaka, N.

Journal: Agric. Forest Meteorol., Volume 149: 582-602 (2009), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Satellite observations of decadal scale CO2 fluxes over black spruce forests in Alaska associated with climate variability.
Date, T., Ueyama. M., Harazono, Y., Ota, Y., Iwata, T. and Yamamoto, S.

Journal: J. Agric. Meteorol., Volume 65: 47-60 (2009), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Applications of NOAA/AVHRR and observed fluxes to estimate regional carbon fluxes over black spruce forests in Alaska.
Kitamoto, T., Ueyama, M., Harazono, Y., Iwata, T. and Yamamoto, S.

Journal: J. Agric. Meteorol., Volume 63: 171-183 (2007), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Assessment of winter fluxes of CO2 and CH4 in boreal forest soils of central Alaska estimated by the profile method and the chamber method: A diagnosis of methane emission and implications for the regional carbon budget
Kim, Y., Ueyama, M., Nakagawa, F., Tsunogai, U., Harazono, Y. and Tanaka, N.

Journal: Tellus, Volume 59B: 223-233 (2007), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Controlling factors on the inter-annual CO2 budget at a sub-arctic black spruce forest in interior Alaska
Ueyama, M., Harazono, Y., Okada, R., Nojiri, A., Ohataki, E. and Miyata, A.

Journal: Tellus, Volume 58B: 491-501 (2006), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Micrometeorological measurements of methane flux at a boreal forest in central Alaska
Ueyama, M., Harazaono, Y., Okada, R., Nojiri, A., Ohtaki, E. and Miyata, A.

Journal: Mem. Natl Inst. Polar Res., Spec. Issue, Volume 59: 156-167 (2006), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf