Controls Over Ozone Deposition To A High Elevation Subalpine Forest

  • Sites: US-NR1
  • Turnipseed, A. A., Burns, S. P., Moore, D. J., Hu, J., Guenther, A. B., Monson, R. K. (2009/09) Controls Over Ozone Deposition To A High Elevation Subalpine Forest, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 149(9), 1447-1459.
  • Funding Agency: —

  • Ecosystem level ozone (O3) fluxes during four different years were examined at a subalpine forest site in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The local mountain–valley wind system and the proximity of the Denver Metropolitan area leads to high summertime ozone episodes on many afternoons. The timing between these episodes and the ecosystem processes controlling photosynthesis during the growing season plays a critical role in determining the amount of ozone deposition. Light and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) were the most dominant environmental drivers controlling the deposition of O3 at this site through their influence on stomatal conductance. 81% of the daytime O3 uptake was predicted to occur through the stomata. Stomatal uptake decreased at high VPD and temperatures leading to an overall decrease in O3 flux; however, we did observe a non-stomatal conductance for O3 that increased slightly with temperature before leveling off at higher values. During the growing season, O3 deposition fluxes were enhanced after midday precipitation events and continued at elevated levels throughout the following night, implying a role for surface wetness. From nighttime data, evidence for both the presence of water films on the needles and non-closure of the plant stomata were observed. During the winter (non-growing) season, the ozone deposition velocity showed a consistent dependency on the latent heat flux. Although the mechanism is unclear, it is apparent that precipitation events play a role here through their influence on latent heat flux.
