2023 AmeriFlux Annual Meeting Attendees

Below is the list of in-person attendees at the annual meeting. (as of: 9/18/2023) Go here to see registered virtual attendees!

First NameLast NameAffiliation
HimalAcharyaUniversity of Delaware
BenAhlswedePenn State
TirthaBanerjeeUC Irvine
BenjuBaniyaTexas A&M, University
CarlBernacchiUniversity of Illinois
DanielBeverlyIndiana University
SebastienBiraudLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
GilBohrerU.S. Department of Energy/BER
ChristinBuechnerBerkeley Lab
VictorCassellaOTT HydroMet
StephenChanLawrence Berkeley National Lab
You-WeiCheahBerkeley Lab
CindyChenYale University
HousenChuBerkeley Lab
AlexandraContostaUniversity of New Hampshire
RicciutoDanielOak Ridge National Lab
MooreDavidUniversity of Arizona
Sebastian EmilioDiaz CortesNorth Carolina State University
ZoeDietrichWoodwell Climate Research Center
MichaelDietzeBoston University
MilosDr MarkovicPicarro, Inc
BassilEl MasriMurray State University
NicolaFalcoBerkeley Lab
ChrisFlorianNEON, Battelle
JohnFrankUSDA Forest Service
MatthewFriedkinUniversity at Albany
JonathanGewirtzmanYale University
TimGriffisUniversity of Minnesota
LianhongGuOak Ridge National Laboratory
JoHammondsBerkeley Lab
ChadHansonOregon State University
RachelHollowgrassBerkeley Lab
LucyHutyraBoston University
KaziIslamYale School of the Environment
MostafaJavadianNorthern Arizona University
SamuelJuradoCornell University
BellaKamplainUniversity of Missouri
SteveKannenbergWest Virginia University
AnamKhanUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
DoheeKimTexas A&M University
SaraKnoxMcGill University
LewisKunikUniversity of Utah
XiaoyongLiBoston College
MarcyLitvakUniversity of New Mexico
JiangongLiuColumbia University
AudreyMaheuUniversité du Québec en Outaouais
SparkleMaloneYale University
MikaelaMartirosMarine Biological Laboratory
EmilyMatherUniversity of Wisconsin - Madison
JackieMatthesHarvard Forest
TysonMcKinneyThe University of Texas at Austin
StefanMetzgerNEON Program, Battelle
DavidMillerUC Berkeley
JustineMissikOhio State University
MarcoMontemayorWoodwell Climate Research Center
J WilliamMungerHarvard University
PatrickMurphyWoodwell Climate Research Center
DarianNgNorth Carolina State University
Sy-ToanNgoBerkeley Lab
KimNovickIndiana University
FiannaO'BrienBerkeley Lab
PattyOikawaCalState East Bay
YvetteOnyangoThe Ohio State University
GilbertoPastorelloBerkeley Lab
BlankenPeterUniversity of Colorado
DavidReedYale School of the Environment
CamiloRey-SanchezNorth Carolina State University
SavannahRiveraUniversity of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
HollyRothUniversity of Colorado Boulder
RoelRuzolUniversity of Maine
AndreSantosBerkeley Lab
MadelineScyphersOhio State University
RobertShorttUC Berkeley
PaulStoyUniversity of Wisconsin
XiangminSunArizona State University
JagritiSunejaNorth Carolina State University
EdwardSwiatekCampbell Scientific
AmmaraTalibHarvard Forest
MargaretTornBerkeley Lab
RodrigoVargasUniversity of Delaware
RuthVarnerUniversity of New Hampshire
JunnaWangYale University
KathrynWheelerUCAR & MIT
KoongYiBerkeley Lab
LiuYujieNorthern Arizona University