Phoenix Metropolitan area: A perfect place to understand land-atmospheric energy and CO2 exchange in hot environments Science Urbanization changes the local environment, affecting water, energy, and carbon balances and their… More
Wetlands are an important component of the New England landscape, the Harvard Forest has its share; about 25% of the landscape is classified wetland or very poorly drained. Read how the The AmeriFlux instrument loaner program was used for a new pilot study at Harvard Forest.
Learn how the AmeriFlux Loaner Program helped a new site, US-NSW (Newman Seasonal Wetlands), get running faster after supply chain disruptions led to product delays.
The ongoing rise in atmospheric methane concentration creates global urgency towards understanding sources and sinks and potential interventions to reduce methane emissions. Wetlands are significant sources of methane and many… More
As a college undergraduate, my advisor gave me the lofty responsibility of walking up and down the scaffold stairs of an eddy-covariance flux tower. My job was to swap out… More
Routinely, we have treated land segments as silos and gravitated our perspectives towards fluxes that are directed upward and downward. If you have ever had a leaky sink, one way to fix it would be to put a bucket underneath. But wouldn’t it make more sense to find and fix the core problem that is causing the leak? Nature perhaps is similar to the leaky sink, but on a far more complex scale, and the core problems are often from many different sources and sinks. So, what cause(s) our control volume to leak and unable to conserve energy?
Cities have a complex mix of land uses, from commercial districts with dining and shops to residential neighborhoods linked by travel corridors, as well as industrial areas such as ports and factories. All of these different land uses lead to a diversity of urban sources that emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Direct measurements and analysis of these species over time helps us understand human interactions with climate and air pollution.
Carbon dynamics and greenhouse fluxes in a Florida native rangeland. The Science: Grazing lands, including both rangeland and pastureland, cover about 10.7 Mha in Southeastern United States; have a significant… More
The encroachment of woody species such as mangrove invading coastal marshes is expected to change the carbon storage in the soils and biomass as well as exchanges with the atmosphere.
Nestled between the mountains of the Olympic Peninsula, hidden behind the raging everlasting Tacoma traffic jam and interrupted-service WA-State ferries, is the Viking town of Poulsbo, WA. And in the… More