The Measurement Height data product is now available on the Measurement Height webpage. The downloaded csv file contains height / depth and instrument model information for AmeriFlux BASE data products…. More
We are conducting a campaign to collect AmeriFlux users’ most commonly requested ancillary information: height and instrument information. Thank you to the site teams from 70 sites who already supplied… More
The AmeriFlux Management Project has a new tracking system for e-mail sent to The tracker monitors support requests and their resolutions. It also monitors Data QA/QC using the system…. More
From our guest author, Dario Papale I’m happy to announce in name of the whole FLUXNET2015 Team that the new and last update of the FLUXNET2015 dataset has been released…. More
As 2016 comes to a close, we’ll celebrate AmeriFlux’s 20th Anniversary at AGU’s Fall Conference at Moscone Center in San Francisco. This year AmeriFlux will have a town hall (hear all… More
This year’s workshop is at Mountain Research Station, close to where the AmeriFlux Annual PI Meeting will take place in Golden CO, directly after this workshop. If you want to… More
AmeriFlux Management Project offers a useful resource to all AmeriFlux sites: backup of high-frequency data and many other kinds of information related to the site. These can include photos of your site, scanned… More