In the 1981 water year, bulk precipitation was primarily a solution of dilute H2SO4, and SO42-was the dominant anion in tbroughfall and soil leachates in two eastern Tennessee deciduous forests…. More
Fluxes of carbon dioxide, water vapor and energy were measured above and below a temperate broad-leaved forest and a boreal jack pine (Pinus banksiania Lamb.) forest by the eddy covariance… More
Ecologists are expected to play an important role in future studies of the biosphere/atmosphere exchange of materials associated with the major biogeochemical cycles and climate. Most studies of material exchange… More
The penetration of diffuse sky radiation via canopy opening into a fully-leafed tulip poplar forest was estimated from canopy structure data obtained from canopy photographs and from sky brightness distribution… More
Soil hydraulic properties at eight depths in a Fullerton cherty silt loam (a clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Paleudult) profile were derived from measurements of water content with a calibrated neutron… More
Estimates of forest net primary production (NPP) demand accurate estimates of root production and turnover. We assessed root turnover with the use of an isotope tracer in two forest free-air… More
Forests in the south-eastern United States experienced a prolonged dry spell and above-normal temperatures during the 1995 growing season. During this episode, nearly continuous, eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide… More
A study of carbon cycling within the floor of a mixed deciduous forest included estimates of litterfall, litter standing crop, root turnover, lateral root standing crop, and measurements of gaseous… More