Yue, X., N. Unger, T. F. Keenan, X. Zhang, and C. S. Vogel. 2015. Probing the past 30-year phenology trend of US deciduous forests. Biogeosciences 12:4693-4709. doi:10.5194/bg-12-4693-2015 “Phenology is experiencing dramatic… More
Although it may be difficult for us to observe in our short lifetimes, the composition of trees in a forest can be a very variable thing. When a forest is… More
Although it may be difficult for us to observe in our short lifetimes, the composition of trees in a forest can be a very variable thing. When a forest is… More
Intermediate disturbances shape forest structure and composition, which may in turn alter carbon, nitrogen, and water cycling. We used a large-scale experiment in a forest in northern lower Michigan where… More
Disturbance-induced tree mortality is a key factor regulating the carbon balance of a forest, but tree mortality and its subsequent effects are poorly represented processes in terrestrial ecosystem models. It… More
Surface roughness parameters, namely the roughness length and displacement height, are an integral input used to model surface fluxes. However, most models assume these parameters to be a fixed property… More