Most satellites provide, at best, a single daily snapshot of vegetation and, at worst, these snapshots may be separated by periods of many days when the ground was obscured by… More
Aim Extrapolation of tower CO2 fluxes will be greatly facilitated if robust relationships between flux components and remotely sensed factors are established. Long-term measurements at five Northern Great Plains locations… More
Net ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange (NEE) was measured in a northern temperate grassland near Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for three growing seasons using the eddy covariance technique. The study objectives… More
Comparisons were made among Douglas-fir forest, aspen (broad leaf deciduous) forest and wheatgrass (C3) grassland for ecosystem-level water-use efficiency (WUE). WUE was defined as the ratio of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation… More
We measured the molecular and carbon isotopic composition of major leaf wax compound classes in northern mixed mesic prairie species (Agropyron smithii, Stipa viridula, Bouteloua gracilis, Tragopogon dubius) and in… More
We measured the stable isotope ratio of respired carbon dioxide at two spatial scales in a black spruce forest in northern Canada: CO2 released from the forest floor and CO2… More
The development of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) simulations is one of the ongoing efforts in the land surface schemes of climate models. The C- and N-coupled Canadian Land Surface… More
Our objective was to measure the carbon isotope ratio of CO2 released by respiration (δr) within forest canopies at different times during the growing season and to use this information… More