Guest blog by David Moore, who organizes this annual course, with the help of many others.
Fluxcourse 2015 – 8th annual summer course in flux measurements and advanced modeling
We will be running the annual Fluxcourse this year July 20-31 2015. We plan to hold it at the Niwot Ridge Mountain Research Station once more, with the help of many academics and researchers, the AmerifluxNetwork, LI-COR Biosciences, Campbell Scientific and the National Ecological Observatory Network. We hope to welcome another 25 outstanding young scientists to this 8th Fluxcourse!
The course covers chamber flux measurement techniques from leaves and soil, leaf biochemical modeling, theory and measurement of canopy fluxes, flux tower instrumentation calculation of the eddy flux, applications of flux tower network, ecosystem energy and mass fluxes, principles of modeling ecosystem fluxes, remote sensing for fluxes, theory and practice of data assimilation, informing land surface models with fluxes & the global carbon cycle. Here’s last year’s syllabus.
Important Dates!
- Application deadline: March 17, 2015
- Selected participants announced: April 10 2015
- Flux course: July 20-31, 2015
Fees cover attendance, dorm accommodation and meals: $2,500
To apply
- Email a statement explaining why you want to participate in the course and how you anticipate it helping your research.
- Include your CV with the statement.
- Arrange to have your major adviser send a letter or email that supports your application.
Ask your letter writer to—
- Confirm that you have approval/funds to attend the course.
- Explain why this course would be useful for you to attend.
- If you’re applying for an AmeriFlux fellowship (see below), why you should receive it.
AmeriFlux will support two attendees with fee waivers. To apply for an AmeriFlux Scholarship, you must be part of the flux community in North America, part of Ameriflux Network, or NACP, or make a case for another form of participation. Please indicate your wish to apply for the AmeriFlux Scholarship in your statement, and explain why. Ask your major advisor to include an endorsement in their letter of support.
Please send questions or applications by email to
More about the course
If you are interested in coming to the course, check out activities from previous years, or contact me or some of the instructors. We are putting together the instruction team at the moment although we hope that many of last year’s team will come back for another round of great discussions and hands-on learning at Niwot Ridge. Some past instructors: Dennis Baldocchi (University of California), Carl Bernacchi (University of Illinois), Dave Bowling (University of Utah), Ankur Desai (University of Wisconsin), Mike Dietze (Boston University), Deborah Huntzinger (Northern Arizona University), Larry Jacobsen (Campbell Scientific, Inc.), Ray Leuning (CSIRO, Australia), Andrew Fox & Hank Loescher (NEON, Inc.), Pat Morgan and George Burba (LI-COR Biosciences), Marcy Litvak (Univ New Mexico), Russell Monson, David Moore and Shirley Papuga (University of Arizona), Tristan Quaife (Reading University), Dave Schimel (NASA JPL), Paul Stoy (Montana State), Ed Swiatek (Campbell Scientific, Inc.), Diane Pataki (UC Irvine), John Zobitz (Augsburg College), Kim Novick (Indiana University).
More info:
– Dr. Dave Moore, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721

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