Updated January, 2019
To see a list of sites in each IGBP, click the icon in the upper left corner of the map, just before the title, then click the caret that you see.

Site ID | Name | Lat | Long | IGBP | CH4 Measurement Operations | CH4 Measurement Method | Measurement Date Start | Measurement Date End | MAP | MAT | CLIMATE_KOEPPEN | FCH4 Data in BASE Start | FCH4 Data in BASE End |
CA-ARB | Attawapiskat River Bog | 52.695 | -83.9452 | WET | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20110401 | NULL | 700 | -1.3 | Dfb | ||
CA-ARF | Attawapiskat River Fen | 52.7008 | -83.955 | WET | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20110401 | NULL | 700 | -1.3 | Dfb | ||
CA-CF2 | Churchill Fen Site 2 | 58.6658 | -93.83 | WET | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20080629 | 20111114 | 452 | -6.5 | Dfc | ||
CA-DBB | Delta Burns Bog | 49.1293 | -122.9849 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20160616 | NULL | 1128 | 10 | Csb | ||
CA-DL2 | Daring Lake - Fen | 64.8648 | -111.5677 | WET | Intermittent | Eddy Covariance | 20090701 | NULL | 250 | -9 | Dfc | ||
CA-DL2 | Daring Lake - Fen | 64.8648 | -111.5677 | WET | Intermittent | Chambers | 20060515 | NULL | 250 | -9 | Dfc | ||
CA-HPC | Havikpak Creek | 68.3203 | -133.5188 | ENF | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20130430 | 20170904 | 241 | -8.2 | Dfc | ||
CA-LuM | Luther Marsh Wildlife Management Area | 43.9201 | -80.4052 | WET | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20140530 | 20141009 | 905 | 6.6 | Dfb | ||
CA-SCC | Scotty Creek Landscape | 61.3079 | -121.2992 | ENF | 387.6 | -2.8 | Dfc | 2013 | 2016 | ||||
CA-SMC | Smith Creek | 63.1534 | -123.2522 | ENF | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20170718 | NULL | 388 | -2.8 | Dfc | ||
CA-TVC | Trail Valley Creek | 68.7462 | -133.5017 | OSH | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20130428 | 20170828 | 241 | -8.2 | Dfc | ||
CL-SDF | Senda Darwin Forest | -41.883 | -73.676 | EBF | Periodic operation | Chambers | 20140915 | NULL | 2110 | 10 | Cfb | ||
CL-SDP | Senda Darwin Peatland | -41.879 | -73.666 | WET | Periodic operation | Chambers | 20140915 | NULL | 2110 | 10 | Cfb | ||
MX-PMm | Puerto Morelos mangrove | 20.8462 | -86.8992 | EBF | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20170613 | NULL | 1222 | 26.2 | Aw | ||
US-A03 | ARM-AMF3-Oliktok | 70.4953 | -149.8823 | BSV | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20140716 | NULL | 115 | -11.2 | ET | ||
US-A10 | ARM-NSA-Barrow | 71.3242 | -156.6149 | BSV | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20120328 | NULL | 115 | -11.2 | ET | ||
US-Act | Acton Lake Flux Tower Site | 39.582 | -84.758 | WAT | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20170125 | NULL | 907 | 11.1 | Cfa | ||
US-Atq | Atqasuk | 70.4696 | -157.4089 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 2013 | NULL | 93 | -9.7 | ET | ||
US-BdA | Burdette Farm Rice Field - AWD | 35.8089 | -90.0327 | CRO | Planned | Eddy Covariance | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | ||
US-BdC | Burdette Farm Rice Field - conventional | 35.8089 | -90.0284 | CRO | Planned | Eddy Covariance | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | ||
US-Beo | Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO) tower | 71.281 | -156.6123 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 2013 | NULL | 72 | -11.3 | ET | ||
US-Bes | Barrow-Bes (Biocomplexity Experiment South tower) | 71.2809 | -156.5965 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20070615 | NULL | 173 | -12 | ET | ||
US-Bi1 | Bouldin Island Alfalfa | 38.1022 | -121.5042 | CRO | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20160811 | NULL | 338 | 16 | Csa | 2016 | 2018 |
US-Bi2 | Bouldin Island corn | 38.109 | -121.535 | CRO | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20170426 | NULL | 338 | 16 | Csa | 2017 | 2018 |
US-Brw | Barrow | 71.3225 | -156.6092 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 2013 | NULL | 85 | -12.6 | ET | ||
US-BSM | Barnstable Great Marsh | 41.7297 | -70.3644 | WET | Periodic operation | Chambers | 20170412 | NULL | 1195 | 9.9 | Dfb | ||
US-Cms | Central Marsh | 71.3202 | -156.6223 | WET | Continuous operation | Other | 19990601 | 20050824 | 274 | -12.6 | ET | ||
US-CRT | Curtice Walter-Berger cropland | 41.6285 | -83.3471 | CRO | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20110511 | 20120520 | 849 | 10.1 | Dfa | 2011 | 2012 |
US-EDN | Eden Landing Ecological Reserve | 37.6156 | -122.114 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20180218 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | ||
US-EML | Eight Mile Lake Permafrost thaw gradient, Healy Alaska. | 63.8784 | -149.2536 | OSH | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 201506 | NULL | 378 | -1 | ET | ||
US-HPY | Hawk Property | 40.7692 | -74.0853 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20130620 | NULL | 1120 | 11.5 | Cfa | ||
US-HRA | Humnoke Farm Rice Field - AWD | 34.5833 | -91.748 | CRO | Intermittent | Eddy Covariance | 20170414 | 20170825 | NULL | NULL | NULL | ||
US-HRC | Humnoke Farm Rice Field - conventional | 34.5857 | -91.7475 | CRO | Planned | Eddy Covariance | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | ||
US-HRP | Herring River Phragmites | 41.938 | -70.0552 | WET | Periodic operation | Chambers | 20170609 | NULL | 1195 | 9.9 | Dfb | ||
US-HVs | Happy Valley Wet Sedge Tundra | 69.1672 | -148.8569 | WET | Intermittent | Other | 19950528 | 19950906 | 217 | -10.29 | ET | ||
US-Ivo | Ivotuk | 68.4865 | -155.7503 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 2013 | NULL | 304 | -8.28 | ET | 2013 | 2016 |
US-KCM | KCMP Tall Tower | 44.6886 | -93.0728 | CRO | Continuous operation | Other | 20160401 | 20170906 | 879 | 6.4 | Dfa | ||
US-LA1 | Pointe-aux-Chenes Brackish Marsh | 29.5013 | -90.4449 | WET | Continuous operation | Chambers | 20011008 | 20121206 | 1625 | 20.7 | Cfa | ||
US-LA1 | Pointe-aux-Chenes Brackish Marsh | 29.5013 | -90.4449 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20011008 | 20121206 | 1625 | 20.7 | Cfa | ||
US-LA2 | Salvador WMA Freshwater Marsh | 29.8587 | -90.2869 | WET | Continuous operation | Chambers | 20111215 | 20131118 | 1655 | 20.2 | Cfa | ||
US-LA2 | Salvador WMA Freshwater Marsh | 29.8587 | -90.2869 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20111215 | 20131118 | 1655 | 20.2 | Cfa | ||
US-LA3 | Barataria Bay Saline Marsh | 29.4936 | -89.9153 | WET | Planned | Eddy Covariance | 20191221 | NULL | 1623 | 20.9 | Cfa | ||
US-LA3 | Barataria Bay Saline Marsh | 29.4936 | -89.9153 | WET | Planned | Chambers | 20191221 | NULL | 1623 | 20.9 | Cfa | ||
US-LGr | Lockney Grassland | 34.1377 | -101.4787 | GRA | Intermittent | Chambers | 20130101 | NULL | 450 | 15 | Bsh | ||
US-Los | Lost Creek | 46.0827 | -89.9792 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 2014 | NULL | 828 | 4.08 | Dfb | 2014 | 2018 |
US-MRM | Marsh Resource Meadowlands Mitigation Bank | 40.8164 | -74.0435 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20090430 | NULL | 1120 | 13.5 | Cfa | ||
US-Myb | Mayberry Wetland | 38.0498 | -121.7651 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20101014 | NULL | 338 | 15.9 | Csa | 2010 | 2017 |
US-NC4 | NC_AlligatorRiver | 35.7879 | -75.9038 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20120112 | NULL | 1311 | 16.6 | Cfa | ||
US-NGB | NGEE Barrow | 71.28 | -156.6092 | SNO | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20120906 | NULL | 171 | -11.27 | ET | 2012 | 2017 |
US-NGB | NGEE Barrow | 71.28 | -156.6092 | SNO | Periodic operation | Chambers | 20120701 | NULL | 171 | -11.27 | ET | ||
US-NGC | NGEE Arctic Council | 64.8614 | -163.7008 | GRA | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20170701 | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | ||
US-NR2 | Niwot Ridge Forest (USGS site) | 40.0325 | -105.5469 | ENF | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20141101 | 20160831 | 595 | 0.43 | Dfc | ||
US-NR2 | Niwot Ridge Forest (USGS site) | 40.0325 | -105.5469 | ENF | Continuous operation | Gradients | 20141101 | 20160831 | 595 | 0.43 | Dfc | ||
US-Nrf | Nisqually reference | 47.0935 | -122.6927 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20170601 | NULL | 1269 | 10.3 | Csb | ||
US-Nrs | Nisqually restoring | 47.0936 | -122.7079 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20170601 | NULL | 1269 | 10.3 | Csb | ||
US-OF1 | Osceola Farm Rice Field - SW | 35.7371 | -90.0492 | CRO | Planned | Eddy Covariance | 20170401 | NULL | 1277 | -16.3 | Cfa | ||
US-OF2 | Osceola Farm Rice Field - NW | 35.7406 | -90.0489 | CRO | Planned | Eddy Covariance | 20170401 | NULL | 1277 | -16.3 | Cfa | ||
US-ORv | Olentangy River Wetland Research Park | 40.0201 | -83.0183 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 201104 | 20161030 | 1499 | 11.63 | Cfa | 2011 | 2015 |
US-OWC | Old Woman Creek | 41.3795 | -82.5125 | WET | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20150717 | NULL | 930 | 10.7 | Dfb | 2015 | 2016 |
US-PFa | Park Falls/WLEF | 45.9459 | -90.2723 | MF | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 2011 | NULL | 823 | 4.33 | Dfb | 2010 | 2018 |
US-RRC | Rice Rivers Center Marsh | 37.3344 | -77.2065 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20170101 | NULL | 1117 | 15.4 | Dfa | ||
US-Sag | Sag River | 69.5131 | -148.5676 | WET | Continuous operation | Other | 19960610 | 19960908 | 121 | -8 | Dfc | ||
US-SDU | South Denver Urban Tower | 39.6594 | -105.0127 | URB | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20121115 | 20140201 | 406 | 10.04 | Bsk | ||
US-Snd | Sherman Island | 38.0373 | -121.7537 | GRA | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20070723 | 20150507 | 358 | 15.6 | Csa | ||
US-Sne | Sherman Island Restored Wetland | 38.0369 | -121.7547 | GRA | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20160524 | NULL | 311 | 16.09 | Csa | 2016 | 2018 |
US-Srr | Suisun marsh - Rush Ranch | 38.2006 | -122.0264 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20140406 | NULL | 326 | 15.1 | Csa | 2014 | 2017 |
US-StJ | St Jones Reserve | 39.0882 | -75.4372 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20150121 | NULL | 1121 | 13.5 | Cfa | 2016 | 2016 |
US-Tw1 | Twitchell Wetland West Pond | 38.1074 | -121.6469 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20120712 | NULL | 421 | 15.5 | Csa | 2011 | 2018 |
US-Tw3 | Twitchell Alfalfa | 38.1159 | -121.6467 | CRO | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20130828 | NULL | 421 | 15.6 | Csa | 2013 | 2014 |
US-Tw4 | Twitchell East End Wetland | 38.103 | -121.6414 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20131125 | NULL | 421 | 15.6 | Csa | 2013 | 2017 |
US-Twt | Twitchell Island | 38.1087 | -121.653 | CRO | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20090425 | 20170404 | 421 | 15.6 | Csa | 2009 | 2017 |
US-Uaf | University of Alaska, Fairbanks | 64.8663 | -147.8555 | ENF | Growing season operation only | Chambers | 20160401 | NULL | 263 | -2.9 | Dwc | 2011 | 2016 |
US-Uaf | University of Alaska, Fairbanks | 64.8663 | -147.8555 | ENF | Growing season operation only | Eddy Covariance | 20090401 | NULL | 263 | -2.9 | Dwc | ||
US-WPT | Winous Point North Marsh | 41.4646 | -82.9962 | WET | Continuous operation | Eddy Covariance | 20110311 | 20131231 | 849 | 10.1 | Dfa | 2011 | 2013 |