Site Characteristics include site attributes such as latitude, longitude, vegetation, and climate classification as well as the site description, team members, state/province, country, network, etc. To use additional site characteristic… More
For each site, when downloading data you have a choice of one or more data products. A data product is a set of observations in a standardized format that vary… More
BADM Biological data (e.g., canopy height, LAI, phenology) Ancillary data (e.g., climate, soil characteristics) Disturbance data (e.g., fire, drought, mananagement) Metadata (e.g., location, height, sensors details) All sites have Site… More
BADM AmeriFlux BASE AmeriFlux FLUXNET What is it? Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance, and Metadata The Flux and meteorological time series data Includes gap-filled and partitioned fluxes (GPP, RECO) No Maybe.Included… More
While the AmeriFlux website does not currently provide the ability to download multiple files with one click, there are third-party browser extensions that do. Here is one free extension that… More
BADM (Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance, and Metadata) are available for the sites that have FLUXNET data product in a single multi-site file. To download this Multi-site BADM BIF (BADM Interchange Format)… More
BADM (Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance, and Metadata) are available in files containing BADM for a single site or in files that contain BADM from multiple sites. To download BIF (BADM Interchange… More