The Southern Great Plains are characterized by a fine-scale mixture of different land-cover types, predominantly winter-wheat and grazed pasture, with relatively small areas of other crops, native prairie, and switchgrass…. More
Measurements of the photosynthetic response to midsummer irradiance were made for 11 species representing the dominant trees, understory shrubs, herbaceous plants and moss species in an old black spruce (Picea… More
In this paper, the one-dimensional, process-based soil CO2 model (PATCIS) described in Part 1 is parameterized and validated with field data collected in a mature slash pine plantation in Florida…. More
Mapping and monitoring of leaf area index (LAI) is important for spatially distributed modeling of vegetation productivity, evapotranspiration, and surface energy balance. Global LAI surfaces will be an early product… More
The influences of soil water supply and atmospheric demand on transpiration were studied to gain insight into the physical mechanisms limiting forest water use within the broader context of total… More
Ecosystem water use efficiency (EWUE) is defined as the net carbon uptake per amount of water lost from the ecosystem and is a useful measure of the functionality in semiarid… More
Monitoring of forest evolution and functioning with remote sensing depends on canopy BRF (bidirectional reflectance factor) sensitivity to biophysical parameters and to canopy PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) regime. Here, we… More
We determined concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in precipitation, throughfall, forest floor and mineral soil leachates from June 2004 to May 2006 across an age-sequence (2-, 15-,… More
Abandonment and reforestation of agricultural lands has been a major influence on the landscape of eastern North America. Cultivation and soil amendments can dramatically alter soil nutrient pools and cycling,… More