Ecosystem respiration (Reco) is one of the largest terrestrial carbon (C) fluxes. The effect of climate change on Reco depends on the responses of its autotrophic and heterotrophic components. How… More
New observations of the vertically integrated CO2 mixing ratio, ⟨CO2⟩, from ground-based remote sensing show that variations in CO2⟩ are primarily determined by large-scale flux patterns. They therefore provide fundamentally… More
Estimates of forest net primary production (NPP) demand accurate estimates of root production and turnover. We assessed root turnover with the use of an isotope tracer in two forest free-air… More
Forests in the south-eastern United States experienced a prolonged dry spell and above-normal temperatures during the 1995 growing season. During this episode, nearly continuous, eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide… More
We calculated carbon budgets for a chronosequence of harvested jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands (0-, 5-, 10-, and∼29-year-old) and a∼79-year-old stand that originated after wildfire. We measured total ecosystem… More
Below-canopy eddy covariance measurements of CO2 flux (Fcb) and soil surface CO2flux measurements (Fs) were made seasonally in a ponderosa pine forest in central Oregon in 1996 and 1997. The… More
The development of digital videography has generated interest in the use of these instruments to estimate vegetation variables such as leaf area index (LAI) and light intercepted (fIPAR) by shrubs… More
We linked a leaf-level CO2 assimilation model with a model that accounts for light attenuation in the canopy and measurements of sap-flux-based canopy conductance into a new canopy conductance-constrained carbon… More
We report results from the first 3 years (1999–2001) of long-term measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) at an AmeriFlux site over a mixed hardwood forest in northern lower Michigan…. More