Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) was measured in air samples collected at hourly intervals near Blodgett Forest Research Station on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, California, in July… More
Soil hydraulic properties at eight depths in a Fullerton cherty silt loam (a clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Paleudult) profile were derived from measurements of water content with a calibrated neutron… More
Amazon forests could be globally significant sinks or sources for atmospheric carbon dioxide, but carbon balance of these forests remains poorly quantified. We surveyed 19.75 ha along four 1-km transects… More
We analyzed errors and uncertainties in time-integrated eddy correlation data for sites in the Amazon. A well-known source of potential error in eddy correlation is through possible advective losses of… More
In the southeastern United States (SE), the conversion of abandoned agricultural land to forests is the dominant feature of land-cover change. However, few attempts have been made to quantify the… More
Uncertainties in model projections of carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems stem from inaccurate parameterization of incorporated processes (endogenous uncertainties) and processes or drivers that are not accounted for by the… More
We analyzed 13 years (1992−2004) of CO2 flux data, biometry, and meteorology from a mixed deciduous forest in central Massachusetts. Annual net uptake of CO2 ranged from 1.0 to 4.7… More
A new approach is presented for deriving vegetation canopy structural characteristics from hyperspectral bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) data. The methodology is based on the relationship between spectral variability of… More
Quantifying net carbon (C) storage by forests is a necessary step in the validation of carbon sequestration estimates and in assessing the possible role of these ecosystems in offsetting fossil… More