We used eddy covariance and meteorological measurements to estimate net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE), gross ecosystem production (GEP), evapotranspiration (Et), and ecosystem water use efficiency (WUEe; calculated as GEP… More
The recovery of ecosystem C and N dynamics after disturbance can be a slow process. Chronosequence approaches offer unique opportunities to use space-for-time substitution to quantify the recovery of ecosystem… More
Freshwater marshes are well-known for their ecological functions in carbon sequestration, but complete carbon budgets that include both methane (CH4) and lateral carbon fluxes for these ecosystems are rarely available…. More
Air temperature Ta, specific humidity q, CO2 mole fraction χc, and three-dimensional winds were measured in mountainous terrain from five tall towers within a 1 km region encompassing a wide range… More
Soil respiration is controlled by soil temperature, soil water, fine roots, microbial activity, and soil physical and chemical properties. Forest thinning changes soil temperature, soil water content, and root density… More
We measured the mixing ratios and fluxes of isoprene and its oxidation products, methacrolein (MACR) and methyl vinyl ketone (MVK) from a tall flux tower in metropolitan Houston, Texas, during… More
Several lines of evidence suggest that the warming climate plays a vital role in driving certain types of extreme weather. The impact of warming and of extreme weather on forest… More
Three independent methods were used to evaluate transpiration of a boreal forest: the branch bag, sap flow and eddy covariance methods. The branch bag method encloses several thousand needles and… More
Increasing the abundance of fungi relative to bacteria should favor C accrual, because fungi use C more efficiently, and are composed of more recalcitrant C compounds. We examined changes in… More
Climatological measurements, including carbon dioxide flux density, were made from May to September 1994 and from May to November 1996 at a young jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) forest near… More