It is well known that microbial-mediated soil respiration, the major source of CO2 from terrestrial ecosystems, is sensitive to temperature. Here, we hypothesize that some mechanisms, such as acclimation of… More
A reliable and precise in situ CO2 and CO analysis system has been developed and deployed at eight sites in the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory’s (ESRL) Global Greenhouse Gas… More
Process-based models are effective tools to synthesize and/or extrapolate measured carbon (C) exchanges from individual sites to large scales. In this study, we used a C- and nitrogen (N)-cycle coupled… More
Self-correlation between estimates of assimilation and respiration of carbon is a consequence of the flux partitioning of eddy-covariance measurements, where the assimilation is computed as the difference between the measured… More
Atmospheric sources contributed significantly to the annual flux of trace metals and sulfate to the forest floor of Walker Branch Watershed, a forested catchment in the southeastern United States. Atmospheric… More
Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology was used to expose a loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) forest to elevated atmospheric CO2 (ambient + 200 µl l–1). After 4 years, basal area of pine… More
A one-dimensional canopy model was developed to study photochemical processes inside and above a mixed deciduous forest in southern Ontario. The Eulerian model made use of Lagrangian dispersion principles with… More
Our objective was to quantify the improvement in fine-resolution maps of soil organic carbon stock (CS, Mg C ha− 1) resulting from utilizing multivariate sources of secondary information. Different geostatistical techniques… More
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of elevated carbon dioxide [CO2] and ozone [O3] and their interaction on wood chemistry and anatomy of five clones of… More
Recent studies have established that atmospheric water vapor fields exhibit spatial spectra that take the form of power laws and hence can be compactly characterized by scaling exponents. The power… More