The largest biological fractionations of stable carbon isotopes observed in nature occur during production of methane by methanogenic archaea. These fractionations result in substantial (as much as ≈70‰) shifts in… More
Differences in the seasonal pattern of assimilatory and respiratory processes are responsible for divergences in seasonal net carbon exchange among ecosystems. Using FLUXNET data ( we have analyzed seasonal patterns… More
This paper reports the first effort to include carbon, water, and heat exchange in a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model for 3D canopy flows with dynamic response of leaf temperature… More
Solar radiation and dew point temperature are important input variables for many crop growth ecological, hydrological, and meteorological models. It is also well known that solar radiation and dew point… More
Measurements of isoprene concentration and flux were made at a mixed deciduous forest in southern Canada during 1995 to characterize diel and seasonal emissions and thus deduce annual inventories. Isoprene… More
Three-dimensional wind velocity components were measured at two levels above and at six levels within a fully-leafed deciduous forest. Greatest shear occurs in the upper 20% of the canopy, where… More
Measurements of nitrogen deposition and concentrations of NO, NO2, NOy (total oxidized N), and O3have been made at Harvard Forest in central Massachusetts since 1990 to define the atmospheric budget… More
Disturbances are important for renewal of North American forests. Here we summarize more than 180 site years of eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide flux made at forest chronosequences in… More
This study examined the ability of the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) to track seasonal variations in carotenoid pigments and photosynthetic activity of mature evergreen chaparral shrubs. Our results confirm that… More
The objectives of this study are to establish a climatology of gravity waves in a forest and to gain insights into the dynamics of this motion type. The site is… More