The eddy covariance technique is the most common method of measuring forest evapotranspiration directly. Evapotranspiration can also be estimated by solving for the residual of the energy balance measurements of… More
Sources and sinks of carbon associated with forests depend strongly on the management regime and spatial patterns in potential productivity. Satellite remote sensing can provide spatially explicit information on land… More
We assessed the differential advantages of deciduousness and evergreenness by examining 26 site-years of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy flux measurements from five comparable oak woodlands in France, Italy,… More
The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) on the aboveground biomass of three oak species, Quercus myrtifolia, Q. geminata, and Q. chapmanii, was estimated nondestructively using allometric relationships between… More
Empirical and modeling studies have shown that the magnitude and duration of the primary production response to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) can be constrained by limiting supplies of soil nitrogen… More
Eddy covariance measurements of the carbon dioxide flux from an ombrotrophic bog near Ottawa, Canada, were made between June 1, 1998, and May 31, 1999. Net ecosystem exchange of CO2… More
Ecosystem-atmosphere fluxes of 12CO2 and 13CO2 are needed to better understand the impacts of climate and land use change on ecosystem respiration (FR), net ecosystem CO2 exchange (FN), and canopy-scale… More
Climate variability and human activities interact to increase the abundance of woody plants in arid and semi-arid ecosystems worldwide. How woody plants interact with rainfall to influence patterns of soil… More
Dual-probe heat-capacity (DPHC) sensors can be used to measure soil heat capacity (C), water content, and temperature. Research was conducted to test design factors that affect sensor calibration, including: (i)… More
Full accounting of ecosystem carbon (C) pools and fluxes in coastal plain ecosystems remains less studied compared with upland systems, even though the C stocks in these systems may be… More