The amount of published data on annual evaporation on rice remains extremely limited despite the role of rice as a key food source. We report on six years of rice… More
We present 6.5 years of eddy covariance measurements of fluxes of methane (FCH4) and carbon dioxide (FCO2) from a flooded rice paddy in Northern California, USA. A pronounced warming trend throughout… More
It is necessary to partition eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide exchange into its offsetting gross fluxes, canopy photosynthesis, and ecosystem respiration, to understand the biophysical controls on the net… More
Wetlands have the ability to accumulate large amounts of carbon (C), and therefore wetland restoration has been proposed as a means of sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to help mitigate… More
Stable stratification of the nocturnal lower boundary layer inhibits convective turbulence, such that turbulent vertical transfer of ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor (H2O) and energy is driven by mechanically… More
Wetlands and flooded peatlands can sequester large amounts of carbon (C) and have high greenhouse gas mitigation potential. There is growing interest in financing wetland restoration using C markets; however,… More
Temperate forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle, and are thought to currently be a sink for atmospheric CO2. However,we lack understanding of the drivers of forest… More
Carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange was measured above the forest floor of a temperate Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco) and Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) old-growth forest in southern Washington… More