Corrections accounting for air density fluctuations due to heat and water vapour fluxes must be applied to the measurement of eddy-covariance fluxes when using open-path sensors. Experimental tests and ecosystem… More
Many peatlands have been drained and harvested for peat mining, agriculture, and other purposes, which has turned them from carbon (C) sinks into C emitters. Rewetting of disturbed peatlands facilitates… More
Rewetting can promote the ecological recovery of disturbed peatland ecosystems and may help to revert these ecosystems to carbon dioxide (CO2) sinks. However, rewetting of disturbed peatlands can also cause… More
Recent climate variability and anomaly in the Great Lakes region provided a valuable opportunity in examining the response and regulation of ecosystem carbon cycling across different ecosystems. A simple Bayesian… More
The impacts of extreme weather events on water–carbon (C) coupling and ecosystem-scale water use efficiency (WUE) over a long term are poorly understood. We analyzed the changes in ecosystem water… More
Winter wheat is a staple crop for global food security, and is the dominant vegetation cover for a significant fraction of Earth’s croplands. As such, it plays an important role… More
Soils contain about twice as much carbon as Earth’s atmosphere, so their response to warming is crucial to understanding carbon fluxes in a changing climate. Past studies have heated soil… More
Biophysical controls on plant water status exist at the leaf, stem, and root levels. Therefore, we pose that hydraulic strategy is a combination of traits governing water use at each… More
Networks of remotely monitored research sites are increasingly the tool used to study regional agricultural impacts on carbon and water fluxes. However, key national networks such as the National Ecological… More