Soil organic carbon (SOC) can be stabilized via association with iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) minerals. Fe and Al can be strong predictors of SOC storage and turnover in soils… More
Forest soils represent a significant pool for carbon sequestration and storage, but the factors controlling soil carbon cycling are not well constrained. We compared soil carbon dynamics at five broadleaf… More
The 14CO2 composition of plant and soil respiration can be used to determine the residence time of photosynthetically fixed carbon before it is released back to the atmosphere. To estimate… More
tThe Mediterranean-type oak/grass savanna of California is composed of widely spaced oak trees withunderstory grasses. These savanna regions are interspersed with large areas of more open grasslands.The ability of remotely… More
Time series of vegetation indices (e.g. normalized difference vegetation index [NDVI]) and color indices (e.g. green chromatic coordinate [GCC]) based on radiometric measurements are now available at different spatial and… More
Understanding how high-latitude terrestrial productivity and evapotranspiration change in association with rising atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]), also known as ‘CO2 fertilization’, is important for predicting future climate change. To quantify… More
Evaluation of the carbon, water, and energy balances in evergreen coniferous forests requires accurate in situ and satellite data regarding their spatio-temporal dynamics. Daily digital camera images can be used… More
Black spruce forests dominate the land cover in interior Alaska. In this region, satellite remote sensing of ecosys- tem productivity is useful for evaluating black spruce for- est status and… More
An open black spruce forest, the most common ecosystem in interior Alaska, is characterized by patchy canopy gaps where the forest understory is exposed. This study measured CO2, sensible heat,… More