Insect outbreaks are major disturbances that affect a land area similar to that of forest fires across North America. The recent mountain pine bark beetle (D endroctonus ponderosae) outbreak and… More
Quantifying impacts of ecological disturbance on ecosystem carbon and water fluxes will improve predictive understanding of biosphere—atmosphere feedbacks. Tree mortality caused by mountain pine bark beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae) is hypothesized… More
Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) measurements using the eddy covariance technique have been widely used for calibration and evaluation of carbon flux estimates from terrestrial ecosystem models as well as for… More
Recent research has shown lakes play an outsized role in carbon cycling, but long‐term continuous observations and analysis of carbon dynamics are rare, limiting our understanding of interannual variation, important… More
Cropland has increasingly occupied large areas in Southern Amazonia since the 1990s, yet few direct field-based evapotranspiration (ET) measurements are available. We used the eddy covariance method to measure ET… More