The respiratory loss of CO2 from soil microbes beneath winter snow in forests from cold climates can significantly influence the annual carbon budget. We explored the magnitude of winter soil… More
The eddy covariance technique, which is used in the determination of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), is subject to significant errors when advection that carries CO2 in the mean flow… More
Eddy covariance measurements of the surface energy balance and carbon dioxide exchange above high-elevation (3,480 m above sea level) alpine tundra located near Niwot Ridge, Colorado, were compared to simultaneous… More
A system to make atmospheric measurements from a moving trolley suspended by a stretched cable has been developed. At present, these measurements consist of wind velocity, temperature, humidity, and carbon… More
Ecosystem level ozone (O3) fluxes during four different years were examined at a subalpine forest site in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The local mountain–valley wind system and the proximity of… More
Recent studies have demonstrated direct methane emission from plant foliage under aerobic conditions, particularly under high ultraviolet (UV) irradiance. We examined the potential importance of this phenomenon in a high-elevation… More
As global temperatures increase, the potential for longer growing seasons to enhance the terrestrial carbon sink has been proposed as a mechanism to reduce the rate of further warming. At… More
Ecosystem water-use efficiency (eWUE; the ratio of net ecosystem productivity to evapotranspiration rate) is a complex landscape-scale parameter controlled by both physical and biological processes occurring in soil and plants…. More
• Understanding controls over plant–atmosphere CO 2 exchange is important for quantifying carbon budgets across a range of spatial and temporal scales. In this study, we used a simple approach… More
Previous work demonstrates conflicting evidence regarding the influence of snowmelt timing on forest net ecosystem exchange (NEE). Based on 15 years of eddy covariance measurements in Colorado, years with earlier snowmelt… More