We used an automated, multiplexing gas-exchange system to measure the net exchange of CO2 at the surfaces of three shady feather moss and three exposed sphagnum moss sites in a… More
An Ameriflux site was established in mid 1996 to study the exchange of CO2 in a native tallgrass prairie of north-central Oklahoma, USA. Approximately the first 20 months of measurements… More
Atmospheric deposition during the growing season contributes one-third or more of the estimated total flux of lead, zinc, and cadium from the forest canopy to soils beneath an oak stand… More
Tropical vegetation is a major source of global land surface evapotranspiration, and can thus play a major role in global hydrological cycles and global atmospheric circulation. Accurate prediction of tropical… More
A mass balance study of trace element flows at the TVA Allen Steam Plant at Memphis showed that most of the released Hg, some Se, and probably most Cl and… More
This study evaluates age-related patterns of ecosystem carbon (C) fluxes in a chronosequence (5-, 18-, 33-, and 68-year old in 2007) of planted pine (Pinus strobus L.) forests in southern… More
Soil respiration is an important component of the annual carbon balance of forests, but few studies have addressed interannual variation in soil respiration. The objectives of this study were to… More
Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange were made above a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. and C. Laws.) forest located in a semiarid environment… More
We estimated aboveground tree biomass and change in aboveground tree biomass using repeated airborne laser scanner (ALS) acquisitions and temporally coincident ground observations of forest biomass, for a relatively undisturbed… More