ESS-DiVE dataset
Coastal settings variations are linked to composition, structural, and functional differences among mangrove ecotypes. Basin mangroves undergo larger flooding and salinity fluctuations, yet remain understudied, compared to other ecotypes. We… More
Salt marshes are large carbon reservoirs as part of blue carbon ecosystems. Unfortunately, there is limited information about the net ecosystem (NEE) and methane (CH4) exchange between salt marshes and… More
Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is a major component of the water balance. While several international flux measurement programs have been executed in the tropical rain forest of the Amazon, those measurements… More
Large datasets of greenhouse gas and energy surface-atmosphere fluxes measured with the eddy-covariance technique (e.g., FLUXNET2015, AmeriFlux BASE) are widely used to benchmark models and remote-sensing products. This study addresses… More
Catchment‐scale response functions, such as transit time distribution (TTD) and evapotranspiration time distribution (ETTD), are considered fundamental descriptors of a catchment’s hydrologic and ecohydrologic responses to spatially and temporally varying… More
Semiarid forests in the southwestern USA are generally restricted to mountain regions where complex terrain adds to the challenge of characterizing stand productivity. Among the heterogeneous features of these ecosystems,… More
With the addition of nitrogen (N), agricultural soils are the main anthropogenic source of N2O, but high spatial and temporal variabilities make N2O emissions difficult to characterize at the field… More
Coastal settings variations are linked to composition, structural and functional differences among mangrove ecotypes. Basin mangroves undergo larger flooding and salinity fluctuations, yet remain understudied, compared to other ecotypes. We… More