Eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange were made above a young and an old-growth ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. & C. Laws) ecosystem located… More
Permafrost soils in boreal and Arctic ecosystems store almost twice as much carbon1, 2 as is currently present in the atmosphere3. Permafrost thaw and the microbial decomposition of previously frozen… More
High rural concentrations of ozone (O3) are thought to be stratospheric in origin, advected from upwind urban sources, or photochemically generated locally by natural trace gas emissions. Ozone is known… More
Biometric techniques were used to measure net ecosystem production (NEP) across three climatically distinct forest chronosequences in Oregon. NEP was highly negative immediately following stand-replacing disturbance in all forests and… More
Forest carbon stocks and fluxes vary with forest age, and relationships with forest age are often used to estimate fluxes for regional or national carbon inventories. Two methods are commonly… More
Annual net ecosystem production (NEP) was estimated at three boreal forest sites where open-path infrared gas analysers were used in eddy covariance systems. The analysers showed apparent ecosystem uptake of… More
An integrated model of canopy micrometeorology and exchanges of mass and energy was developed and tested for a two-story boreal forest. Roles of different elements of this forest ecosystem in… More
Climate warming is expected to have a large impact on plant species composition and productivity in northern latitude ecosystems. Warming can affect vegetation communities directly through temperature effects on plant… More
In this paper, we analyzed 3 years of carbon flux data from continuous eddy covariance measurements to investigate how soil moisture, rain pulses, and growth alter the response of ecosystem… More