We used eddy covariance to measure the net exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and a black spruce (Picea mariana) forest in Manitoba for 16,500 hours from March 16, 1994… More
Recent and long-term accumulation rates of carbon (C), using 210Pb- and 14C-dating, were examined in 23 ombrotrophic peatlands in eastern Canada, where average 1990–1996 atmospheric wet nitrogen (N) deposition ranged… More
Radon-222 (Rn-222) is used as a transport tracer of forest canopy–atmosphere CO2 exchange in an old-growth, tropical rain forest site near km 67 of the Tapajós National Forest, Pará, Brazil…. More
Agriculture is a resource-intensive enterprise. The manner in which food production systems utilize resources has a large influence on environmental quality. To evaluate prospects for conserving natural resources while meeting… More
Responses of wetland productivity to changes in water table depth (WTD) are controlled by complex interactions among several soil and plant processes, and hence are site-specific rather than general in… More
We investigated controls over the emission of monoterpenes from two species of boreal forest conifers, black spruce (Picea mariana Miller (B.S.P.)) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb). Monoterpenes are important… More
A bulk ABL similarity approach was used to make regional estimates of the sensible heat flux by combining surface temperature measurements with mixed layer temperature and wind speed profiles. The… More
The soil water regimes of two areas of open savanna (campo sujo) near Brasilia, Brazil, were monitored between August 1999 and November 2000. Each area was subjected to a different… More
Fire and harvesting are important disturbances in the boreal forest, driving net biome production. Measurements of net ecosystem production (NEP) over mature forest stands have been made from flux towers… More