Vertical gradients of mixing ratios of volatile organic compounds have been measured in a Ponderosa pine forest in Central California (38.90° N, 120.63° W, 1315m). These measurements reveal large quantities… More
Using data from 28 flux measurement sites, we performed an analysis of the relationship between annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and the length of the carbon uptake period (CUP) (the… More
Nocturnal evapotranspiration (ETN) is often assumed to be negligible in terrestrial ecosystems, reflecting the common assumption that plant stomata close at night to prevent water loss from transpiration. However, recent… More
The Ecosystem Demography (ED) model was parameterized with ecological, forest inventory, and historical land use observations in an intensively managed, wetland-rich forested landscape in the upper midwest United States. Model… More
The major driving factors of soil CO2 production – substrate supply, temperature, and water content – vary vertically within the soil profile, with the greatest temporal variations of these factors… More
Woody debris (WD) is an important component of forest C budgets, both as a C reservoir and source of CO2 to the atmosphere. We used an infrared gas analyzer and… More
Substantial research seeks to improve estimates of ecosystem processes and fluxes at a range of scales, notably from the stand scale (<1 km2) using ecosystem physiology and eddy covariance techniques,… More
Aim Extrapolation of tower CO2 fluxes will be greatly facilitated if robust relationships between flux components and remotely sensed factors are established. Long-term measurements at five Northern Great Plains locations… More
Disturbances are increasing globally due to anthropogenic changes in land use and climate. This study determines whether a disturbance that affects the physiology of individual trees can be used to… More