Fluxes and concentrations of carbon dioxide and 13CO2 provide information about ecosystem physiological processes and their response to environmental variation. The biophysical model, CANOAK,was adapted to compute concentration profiles and… More
Over two-thirds of terrestrial carbon is stored belowground and a significant amount of atmospheric CO2 is respired by roots and microbes in soils. For this analysis, soil respiration (Rs) data… More
In tallgrass prairie, plant species interactions regulated by their associated mycorrhizal fungi may be important forces that influence species coexistence and community structure; however, the mechanisms and magnitude of these… More
Three years of fully automated and manual measurements of soil CO2 efflux, soil moisture and temperature were used to explore the diel, seasonal and inter-annual patterns of soil efflux in… More
Agricultural drainage is thought to alter greenhouse gas emissions from temperate peatlands, with CH4 emissions reduced in favor of greater CO2 losses. Attention has largely focussed on C trace gases,… More
The study of water exchange between soil, plants, and the atmosphere in response to seasonal or periodic droughts is critical to modeling the hydrologic cycle and biogeochemical processes in water-controlled… More
The flux of isoprene, one of the more reactive biogenic volatile organic compounds, was measured using eddy covariance techniques on a continuous basis during the 2000–2002 growing seasons at a… More
Soil water content and soil matric potential were monitored during 2 years at two neighboring ridge-top sites in an oak-hickory stand on a Typic Paleudult forest soil with cherty silt… More
Our first objective was to link the seasonality of fine root dynamics with soil respiration in a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa P. & C. Lawson) plantation located in the Sierra… More
The U.S. carbon budget has been the focus of recent scientific debate [Fan et al., 1998; Pacala et al., 2001; Gurney et al., 2002] Even conservative estimates suggest that U.S…. More