AmeriFlux Management Project

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  3. AmeriFlux Management Project
Events from this organizer

AmeriFlux Year of Remote Sensing Tutorial Series – 1st installment

Join the first of three installments of the YoRS Tutorial Series. The Tutorial Series is designed to introduce theories and techniques related to remote sensing tailored to the flux community. The topic will be “Theory of remote sensing as it applies to fluxes” and will be presented by Josh Fisher, Troy Magney, Robinson Negron-Juarez, and... More

2023 AmeriFlux Data-Tech workshop

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA, United States

Date: May 10-11, 2023 Location: Berkeley, CA or virtual Organizers: Sebastien Biraud, Stephen Chan, You-Wei Cheah, Danielle Christianson, Housen Chu, Sigrid Dengel, Gilberto Pastorello, and Christin Buechner After a long hiatus, the AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP) will host a Data-Tech workshop in Berkeley on May 10-11, 2023. This is an informal, interactive workshop to learn... More


2023 AmeriFlux Annual Meeting

Once again, we will host the meeting in hybrid mode. This meeting is open to anyone who works with eddy covariance flux methods or datasets, including early career scientists! A full in-person meeting will take place in the middle of Massachusetts, US, with visits to the historic Harvard Forest Research site. We are trying to... More

Workshop on Land-Atmosphere Exchanges in Complex Urban Landscapes

Workshop on Land-Atmosphere Exchanges in Complex Urban Landscapes: From Process Diagnosis to Climate Impacts The Workshop objectives are: To identify knowledge gaps and research needs concerning land-atmosphere exchanges of gasses, materials, and energy in complex urban landscapes. To develop a white paper that will summarize the state-of-the-art and develop research thrusts that can be addressed... More

AmeriFlux Webinar Series: Luminaries (Dr. Bill Kustas)


Dear flux communities, We are thrilled to announce the new webinar series: Luminaries, as part of the theme year of remote sensing activities. This series features leading scientists – luminaries – who explore cutting-edge applications of remote sensing to address environmental/ecological questions relevant to the flux community. Each one-hour webinar will delve into a research... More

AmeriFlux Webinar: Luminaries – Dr. John Gamon


Dear flux communities, This series features leading scientists – luminaries – who explore cutting-edge applications of remote sensing to address environmental/ecological questions relevant to the flux community. Each one-hour webinar will delve into a research topic, followed by a Q&A session where you can engage with the speaker. Here is the information for the upcoming... More

Regional Workshop – Kearneysville, WV

USDA Appalachian Fruit Research Station, near Kearneysville, WV

The AmeriFlux network is growing and we see an opportunity to connect teams to foster networking, knowledge sharing, and support between new and experienced PIs, site technicians, early career scientists and students. This is a one-day workshop aiming to bring site teams in the region together and create a lively space to discuss all things... More

Conflux Webinar: Environmental Justice for Environmental Science

The first webinar in the Conflux series on Flux and Environmental Research in Conversation with Indigenous Partners! Ryan Emanuel studies ecohydrology, biogeosciences, environmental justice, and Indigenous rights, and aims to amplify voices of Indigenous and other marginalized communities who shoulder disproportionate environmental burdens. He is the author of On the Swamp - Fighting for Indigenous... More


Conflux Webinar: Considerations for Tribal Engagement

The second webinar in the Conflux series on Flux and Environmental Research in Conversation with Indigenous Partners! Angela Waupochick studies black ash conservation in forest wetlands in the Menominee and Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Lands. Register here:  


2024 AmeriFlux Annual Meeting

This meeting is open to anyone who works with eddy covariance flux methods or datasets, including early career scientists! An in-person meeting will take place in Berkeley, CA. Presentations and hopefully breakouts will be accessible virtually, for free. More information can be found here.