Target audience: AmeriFlux community, AmeriFlux Science Steering Committee & Department of Energy (DOE) program managers [ARM/ASR (atmosphere), TES(surface), and SBR (subsurface)] Problem Statement: The atmospheric boundary layer mediates the exchange… More
Hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking) for natural gas has increased rapidly in the area of the Marcellus Shale in the last thirty years and estimates of CH4 emissions from hydrofracking operations are… More
Forest carbon sequestration via forest preservation can be a viable climate change mitigation strategy. We identify forests in the western conterminous United States with high potential carbon sequestration and low… More
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a multidecadal and continental-scale observatory with sites across the United States. Having entered its operational phase in 2018, NEON data products, software, and… More
Measurements of atmospheric O2 have been used to quantify large-scale fluxes of carbon between the oceans, atmosphere and land since 1992 (Keeling and Shertz, 1992). With time, datasets have grown… More
In the widely-used eddy-covariance (EC) technique, it is often assumed that the air storage term, i.e. the change of below-turbulence-sensor scalar abundance, is negligible or comprises a small part of… More
Soil respiration (Rs), the largest carbon emission flux in ecosystems is usually modelled as an empirically parameterized function of temperature (Ts), and sometimes water availability (Ɵ). The likely contribution by… More
Northern hemisphere evergreen forests assimilate a significant fraction of global atmospheric CO2 but monitoring large-scale changes in gross primary production (GPP) in these systems is challenging. Recent advances in remote… More
Wetlands are the most important natural source of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere, and there is still considerable uncertainty of CH4 flux and net carbon budgets of wetlands. This uncertainty… More
Loss of coastal wetlands is occurring at an increasingly rapid rate due to drainage of these wetlands for alternative land-uses, which also threatens carbon (C) storage in these C-rich ecosystems…. More