From our guest author, Dario Papale
I’m happy to announce in name of the whole FLUXNET2015 Team that the new and last update of the FLUXNET2015 dataset has been released. To download, go to:
You will find also the list of changes in respect to the previous version, in particular, the 47 new sites and new variables added.
As always, we kindly ask you to carefully read and respect the data policy, and to refer explicitly to the FLUXNET2015 collection and official codes of the sites in all of your presentations, because this will be crucial for the development of the network.
It has been a long process that has ended in a good and robust dataset. There is clearly also a lot more to do, and we are all already planning the next steps (starting from the metadata collection). For now, however, we hope you will enjoy this new collection, and that it will help you to reach new great scientific results.
The processing of this new collection has been carried out mainly by the European Fluxes Database and the AmeriFlux Management Project (lead by Berkeley Lab, and funded by U.S. DOE), with contributions and in collaboration with all the regional networks. We are still open and available to receive new submissions in the next months, but the next collection will be based on a new and optimized processing pipeline that will be available only mid 2017. If you are interested to have your site included, we suggest for now to wait to submit your data; contact your regional network for more information.
Let me finally personally thank all the FLUXNET2015 team members for the great inter-continental collaboration spirit, long telecon/skype sessions, hundreds of emails and code sharing that are the added value of the exercise. But also all the PIs that decided to share their precious data in name of the scientific good practices and science development: you are all the real engine of FLUXNET, and all users must thank you for your work and willingness.
Best regards and have fun!
Dario for the FLUXNET2015 Team

The author can be contacted at:
University of Tuscia
Dipartimento per la innovazione nei sistemi biologici, agroalimentari e forestali (DIBAF)
Department for innovation in biological, agro-food and forest systems (DIBAF)
Largo dell’Università – Blocco D 01100
Viterbo, Italy
Web: • Database:
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