The 35th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, sponsored by the American Meteorological Society, will be held May 01-04, 2023 at the Royal Sonesta Minneapolis Downtown in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA and online. This conference is organized by the AMS Committee on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and is jointly held with the Sixth Conference on Atmospheric Biogeosciences and the 14th Symposium... More
Date: May 10-11, 2023 Location: Berkeley, CA or virtual Organizers: Sebastien Biraud, Stephen Chan, You-Wei Cheah, Danielle Christianson, Housen Chu, Sigrid Dengel, Gilberto Pastorello, and Christin Buechner After a long hiatus, the AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP) will host a Data-Tech workshop in Berkeley on May 10-11, 2023. This is an informal, interactive workshop to learn... More
We are excited to announce the next installment in our series of NCAR-NEON Workshops focused on linking the geosciences and ecology. This year’s workshop will focus on using NCAR-NEON modeling and data visualization tools to develop new research avenues and obtain feedback on how this collaboration can best serve the community going forward. The workshop... More