Abstract submission to ICOS Science Conference extended due to COVID-19 pandemic – virtual event a possibility. Abstract submission open until Monday 11th of May Due to the current situation, the deadline to submit abstracts has been extended until Monday 11th of May 13:00 CEST. Please submit your abstract through ICOS webpages: www.icos-cp.eu/sc2020/abstract- The 4th ICOS... More
AsiaFlux2020 Poster AsiaFlux2019 has just celebrated its 20th Anniversary in Takayama, Japan last 2nd October 2019. We are very honoured and excited to host the next AsiaFlux 2020 - 22nd – 24th September 2020 in Kuching Sarawak MALAYSIA AsiaFlux is a regional research network bringing together scientists from universities and institutions in Asia to study the exchanges of carbon... More