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Webinar: Orientation and Onboarding for new sites

Thursday, Feb 1 at 10 am Pacific Time, we will hold our annual Orientation and Onboarding for new AmeriFlux PIs. This is an informal check-in with people who have started/registered new sites or who would like to see what is new. Join us to welcome new network members and learn what is new for site... More

FLUXNET-ECN Workshop: Post-process flux data with flux-data-qaqc

We invite you to participate in the forthcoming FLUXNET-ECN Workshop, a community event co-sponsored by FLUXNET Early Career Network, AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP), and members of the FLUXNET communities. The workshop brings a tutorial on flux-data-qaqc - Tools for Energy Balance Closure Analysis., where Dr. John Volk, the author of the package, will provide a... More

PANGEA DC Workshop (register by Feb 16!)

PANGEA is one of two scoping studies selected by NASA’s Terrestrial Ecology (TE) Program. PANGEA aims to work with tropical scientists and partners and the remote sensing community to outline a future NASA field campaign focused on the tropics. > Dear Colleagues, > > We are very excited for 2024 and the opportunities ahead to... More

AmeriFlux Webinar Series: Luminaries (Dr. Bill Kustas)


Dear flux communities, We are thrilled to announce the new webinar series: Luminaries, as part of the theme year of remote sensing activities. This series features leading scientists – luminaries – who explore cutting-edge applications of remote sensing to address environmental/ecological questions relevant to the flux community. Each one-hour webinar will delve into a research... More

Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024

The JpGU Meeting 2024 will be held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture for six days from May 26 to 31, 2024. The coming meeting will be held in a hybrid format, as was the case in previous two meetings. While retaining the advantages of the hybrid format, including the ability to allow participation from... More

AmeriFlux Webinar: Luminaries – Dr. John Gamon


Dear flux communities, This series features leading scientists – luminaries – who explore cutting-edge applications of remote sensing to address environmental/ecological questions relevant to the flux community. Each one-hour webinar will delve into a research topic, followed by a Q&A session where you can engage with the speaker. Here is the information for the upcoming... More

Regional Workshop – Kearneysville, WV

USDA Appalachian Fruit Research Station, near Kearneysville, WV

The AmeriFlux network is growing and we see an opportunity to connect teams to foster networking, knowledge sharing, and support between new and experienced PIs, site technicians, early career scientists and students. This is a one-day workshop aiming to bring site teams in the region together and create a lively space to discuss all things... More

AmeriFlux Workshop: Remote Sensing and Fluxes Upscaling for Real-world Impact

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA, United States

The AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP), the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), and the Carbon Dew Community of Practice (CarbonDew) are excited to invite you to the workshop "Remote Sensing and Fluxes Upscaling for Real-world Impact". Join us for an unparalleled opportunity to shape the future of environmental monitoring and analysis, bridging cutting-edge research with practical... More


2024 Plant Hydraulics Workshop (apply by March 1)

2024 Plant Hydraulics Methods Workshop, July 16-20, Highlands Biological Station, Highlands NC Some in our community may be interested in this workshop on Plant Hydraulics Methods happening this summer in beautiful western North Carolina, USA. The initiative is led by Dan Johnson (U. of Georgia), and it is a follow-up to a very successful and... More

Conflux Webinar: Environmental Justice for Environmental Science

The first webinar in the Conflux series on Flux and Environmental Research in Conversation with Indigenous Partners! Ryan Emanuel studies ecohydrology, biogeosciences, environmental justice, and Indigenous rights, and aims to amplify voices of Indigenous and other marginalized communities who shoulder disproportionate environmental burdens. He is the author of On the Swamp - Fighting for Indigenous... More
