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Rey-Sanchez, A., Morin, T., Stefanik, K., Wrighton, K., Bohrer, G. (2017) , Determining Total Emissions And Environmental Drivers Of Methane Flux In A Lake Erie Estuarine Marsh Ecological Engineering, in press,
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.06.042

Other Publications

Villa, J. A., Ju, Y., Yazbeck, T., Waldo, S., Wrighton, K. C., Bohrer, G. (2021) , Ebullition Dominates Methane Fluxes From The Water Surface Across Different Ecohydrological Patches In A Temperate Freshwater Marsh At The End Of The Growing Season Science Of The Total Environment, 767, 144498
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144498

Villa, J. A., Ju, Y., Stephen, T., Rey‐Sanchez, C., Wrighton, K. C., Bohrer, G. (2020) , Plant‐Mediated Methane Transport In Emergent And Floating‐Leaved Species Of A Temperate Freshwater Mineral‐Soil Wetland Limnology And Oceanography, 65(7), 1635-1650

Villa, J., Ju, Y., Vines, C., Rey-Sanchez, C., Morin, T.H., Wrighton, K.C., Bohrer, G. (2019) , Relationships Between Methane and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in a Temperate Cattail‐Dominated Freshwater Wetland Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 124(7), 2076-2089
DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005167

Bohrer, G., Ju, Y., Arend, K., Morin, T., Rey-Sanchez, C., Wrighton, K., Villa, J. (2019) , Methane And CO2 Chamber Fluxes And Porewater Concentrations Us-OWC Ameriflux Wetland Site, 2015-2018 ESS-DiVE,
DOI: 10.15485/1568865

Smith, G. J., Angle, J. C., Solden, L. M., Borton, M. A., Morin, T. H., Daly, R. A., Johnston, M. D., Stefanik, K. C., Wolfe, R., Bohrer, G., Wrighton, K. C. (2018) , Members of the genus Methylobacter are inferred to account for the majority of aerobic methane oxidation in oxic soils from a freshwater wetland mBio, 9(6), e00815-18
DOI: 10 .1128/mBio.00815-18

Angle, J. C., Morin, T. H., Solden, L. M., Narrowe, A. B., Smith, G. J., Borton, M. A., Rey-Sanchez, C., Daly, R. A., Mirfenderesgi, G., Hoyt, D. W., Riley, W. J., Miller, C. S., Bohrer, G., Wrighton, K. C. (2017) , Methanogenesis In Oxygenated Soils Is A Substantial Fraction Of Wetland Methane Emissions Nature Communications, 8(1), 1567
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01753-4

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