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Chu, H., Luo, X., Ouyang, Z., Chan, W. S., Dengel, S., Biraud, S. C., Torn, M. S., Metzger, S., Kumar, J., Arain, M. A., Arkebauer, T. J., Baldocchi, D., Bernacchi, C., Billesbach, D., Black, T. A., Blanken, P. D., Bohrer, G., Bracho, R., Brown, S., Brunsell, N. A., Chen, J., Chen, X., Clark, K., Desai, A. R., Duman, T., Durden, D., Fares, S., Forbrich, I., Gamon, J. A., Gough, C. M., Griffis, T., Helbig, M., Hollinger, D., Humphreys, E., Ikawa, H., Iwata, H., Ju, Y., Knowles, J. F., Knox, S. H., Kobayashi, H., Kolb, T., Law, B., Lee, X., Litvak, M., Liu, H., Munger, J. W., Noormets, A., Novick, K., Oberbauer, S. F., Oechel, W., Oikawa, P., Papuga, S. A., Pendall, E., Prajapati, P., Prueger, J., Quinton, W. L., Richardson, A. D., Russell, E. S., Scott, R. L., Starr, G., Staebler, R., Stoy, P. C., Stuart-Haëntjens, E., Sonnentag, O., Sullivan, R. C., Suyker, A., Ueyama, M., Vargas, R., Wood, J. D., Zona, D. (2021) , Representativeness Of Eddy-Covariance Flux Footprints For Areas Surrounding Ameriflux Sites Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 301-302, 108350
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Simbahan, G. C., Dobermann, A., Ping, J. L. (2004) , Screening Yield Monitor Data Improves Grain Yield Maps Agronomy Journal, 96(4), 1091-1102
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Yang, H., Dobermann, A., Lindquist, J., Walters, D., Arkebauer, T., Cassman, K. (2004) , Hybrid-Maize—A Maize Simulation Model That Combines Two Crop Modeling Approaches Field Crops Research, 87(2-3), 131-154
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Dobermann, A., Ping, J. L. (2004) , Geostatistical Integration Of Yield Monitor Data And Remote Sensing Improves Yield Maps Agronomy Journal, 96(1), 285-297
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Gitelson, A. A., Viña, A., Arkebauer, T. J., Rundquist, D. C., Keydan, G., Leavitt, B. (2003) , Remote Estimation Of Leaf Area Index And Green Leaf Biomass In Maize Canopies Geophysical Research Letters, 30(5), n/a-n/a
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Dobermann, A., Ping, J. L., Adamchuk, V. I., Simbahan, G. C., Ferguson, R. B. (2003) , Classification Of Crop Yield Variability In Irrigated Production Fields Agronomy Journal, 95(5), 1105-1120
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Gitelson, A. A., Verma, S. B, Rundquist, D. C., Keydan, G., Leavitt, B., Arkebauer, T. J., Burba, G. G., Suyker, A. E. (2003) , Novel Technique For Remote Estimation Of CO2 Flux In Maize Geophysical Research Letters, 30(9), 1486-n/a
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Ping, J. L., Dobermann, A. (2003) , Creating Spatially Contiguous Yield Classes For Site-Specific Management Agronomy Journal, 95(5), 1121-1131
DOI: 10.2134/agronj2003.1121

Cassman, K. G., Dobermann, A., Walters, D. T., Yang, H. (2003) , Meeting Cereal Demand While Protecting Natural Resources And Improving Environmental Quality Annual Review Of Environment And Resources, 28(1), 315-358
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