Oco-2 Advances Photosynthesis Observation From Space Via Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence by Jeffrey Wood - July 3, 2018
Investigating The Source, Transport, And Isotope Composition Of Water Vapor In The Planetary Boundary Layer by Timothy Griffis - September 6, 2017
Multi-scale analyses of solar induced fluorescence and gross primary production by Timothy Griffis - September 6, 2017
Indirect nitrous oxide emissions from streams within the US Corn Belt scale with stream order by Timothy Griffis - September 6, 2017
Partitioning N2O emissions within the US Corn Belt using an inverse modeling approach by Timothy Griffis - September 6, 2017
Reconciling the differences between top-down and bottom-up estimates of nitrous oxide emissions for the US Corn Belt by Timothy Griffis - September 6, 2017