(back to FLUXNET2015 Metadata Requirements)
Provide the canopy height of the vegetation in the tower footprint.
Use the FLUXNET2015_GRP_HEIGHTC.csv file emailed to you (previously submitted information is pre-populated)
or download a blank file: FLUXNET2015_GRP_HEIGHTC.csv.
Safari and Chrome users: To download the file, control-click / right click the link, choose “Download Linked File As” or “Save Link As”, and specify a destination.
or download a blank file: FLUXNET2015_GRP_HEIGHTC.csv.
Safari and Chrome users: To download the file, control-click / right click the link, choose “Download Linked File As” or “Save Link As”, and specify a destination.
- The file has three header rows: 1) Variable name; 2) Required / optional info; 3) Units. Do not change these rows.
- For units indicated as “LIST( )”, find the options available in the tables below.
- HEIGHTC, HEIGHTC_STATISTIC, and HEIGHTC_DATE are required. Other variables can also be reported.
- Please note the definition of HEIGHTC in the table below.
- Please report the HEIGHTC value for HEIGHTC_STATISTIC = Mean. Other statistics can also be reported.
- If MS Excel is not being used to view / update the csv files, put quotation marks around entries with commas. MS Excel will automatically adds quotes to csv files when needed.
- The canopy height metadata will be incorporated into AmeriFlux BADM holdings.
- If you are a PI of multiple sites, you can submit canopy height information for all of your sites in a single file. Submit the file with Site_ID = “other” via the Upload Data > BADM page.
- The FLUXNET2015_GRP_HEIGHTC.csv file contains a subset of the GRP_HEIGHTC variables. If you would like to report metadata for additional canopy height metadata, like understory canopy height (e.g., HEIGHTC_U), contact ameriflux-support@lbl.gov.
- Using Excel to edit the csv files will cause any timestamps to be saved in scientific notation.
To prevent Excel from converting timestamps to scientific notation, follow these steps:- Select the column containing the Timestamp data
- Under Format > Cells, select the Number tab
- Select “Number” from the list of options and decrease decimal to create a whole number
- Save file as a CSV file
- Open the CSV file in a text editor to verify the changes have been made and saved
Report the following BADM canopy height metadata (GRP_HEIGHTC):
Item | Required | Units | Description |
HEIGHTC_DATE | Yes | YYYYMMDDHHMM | Canopy height measurement date Please report the date at the precision known. Allowed reporting precisions are YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD, and YYYYMMDDHHMM. |
HEIGHTC | Yes | meters | Canopy height Height of the canopy. In a forest ecosystem, canopy height is the distribution of overstory trees that see light at the top of the canopy. |
HEIGHTC_STATISTIC | Yes | LIST(STATISTIC) | Canopy height statistic The statistic for the measurement reported. Use predefined list (e.g., mean, min / max, standard deviation, etc). |
HEIGHTC_STATISTIC_NUMBER | Optional | integer number | Number of observations used to determine canopy height statistic Number of observations (samples / replicates) used to calculate the STATISTIC for the reported measurement. |
HEIGHTC_APPROACH | Optional | free text | Canopy height measurement approach |
HEIGHTC_DATE_UNC | Optional | days | Uncertainty in the canopy height measurement date |
HEIGHTC_COMMENT | Optional | free text | Canopy height comments |
STATISTIC Options (back to top)
Option | Definition |
Minimum | Minimum value |
1st Percentile | Quantile at 1% of distribution |
5th Percentile | Quantile at 5% of distribution |
10th Percentile | Quantile at 10% of distribution |
25th Percentile | Quantile at 25% of distribution |
Median – 50th Percentile | Median – Quantile at 50% of distribution |
75th Percentile | Quantile at 75% of distribution |
90th Percentile | Quantile at 90% of distribution |
95th Percentile | Quantile at 95% of distribution |
99th Percentile | Quantile at 99% of distribution |
Maximum | Maximum value |
Mean | Average (mean) value of sample population |
Standard Deviation | Standard deviation may be reported from a sample population that consists of individual or aggregated samples (observations). If the distinction is important, specify in Comments. |
Measurement Uncertainty | Report uncertainty as a plus or minus value in the measurement units. For example, enter 1.5 for +/- 1.5 units. Uncertainty may be reported from the instrument’s specifications, determined empirically, or estimated by the tower team. Please describe such details in Approach. For uncertainty values that are better described by a range, a percent, or other, please enter information in Comments. |
Single observation | Single observation |
Expert estimate | Estimate made by expert familiar with site |
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