Sites participating in the FLUXNET2015 paper are required to submit additional metadata.
Requirement: Submit the three (3) types of metadata for each site.
Due: November 15, 2019
Submit the three (3) csv files via the AmeriFlux Upload Data > BADM webpage. AmeriFlux / FLUXNET account required.
If you have previously submitted metadata, we have emailed you pre-populated csv files with them. Please review and resubmit.
General Instructions
- Each csv file has 3 header rows: 1) Variable name; 2) Required / optional info; 3) Units. Do not change these rows.
- Use the specific Instructions links for each file below to find the options for units “LIST( )”.
- Please see note below if you are using Excel to edit the csv files.
- Report information for up to the number of authors emailed to you (based on the years of data submitted).
- Information is for FLUXNET2015 paper only.
- Download a blank csv file (FLUXNET2015_Author_Info.csv)
FILE 2: Height / Depth and Model Metadata (Instructions)
- Update height / depth and model metadata for the flux instruments and any soil temperature or moisture measurements.
- Pre-populated values are from L2 data used as FLUXNET2015 input and cross-checked against any information mapped to the L2 variables via the Variable Information Tool. Please review Instructions for more detail.
- Metadata is for FLUXNET2015 paper only.
- Download a blank csv file (FLUXNET2015_Height_Depth_Model.csv)
FILE 3: Canopy Height Metadata (Instructions)
- Update canopy height metadata.
- Metadata will be incorporated into AmeriFlux BADM.
- Please review Instructions for Canopy Height for important details
- Download a blank csv file (FLUXNET2015_GRP_HEIGHTC.csv)
Note: Using Excel to edit the csv files will cause any timestamps to be saved in scientific notation.
To prevent Excel from converting timestamps to scientific notation, follow these steps:
- Select the column containing the Timestamp data
- Under Format > Cells, select the Number tab
- Select “Number” from the list of options and decrease decimal to create a whole number
- Save file as a CSV file
- Open the CSV file in a text editor to verify the changes have been made and saved