BADM Standards (Beta): SA

Template: Veg Cover
Description: Stand Age

SA Variables

Variable Required Multiple Units Description
SA R M years Stand age
The age of standing live trees. Stand age is typically only reported for forest ecosystems. If reporting stand age for non-forest ecosystems, describe details in Approach.
The statistic for the measurement reported. Use predefined list (e.g., mean, min / max, standard deviation, etc). If appropriate, report the type of statistic (e.g., spatial for spatial standard deviation) in STATISTIC_TYPE.
SA_STATISTIC_TYPE Optional M LIST(STATISTIC_TYPE) Stand age statistic type
The type of statistic reported if appropriate (e.g., spatial). Use predefined list.
SA_STATISTIC_NUMBER Optional M integer number Number of observations used to determine stand age statistic
Number of observations (samples / replicates) used to calculate the STATISTIC for the reported measurement.
SA_APPROACH Optional M free text Stand age measurement approach
SA_DATE Ra M YYYYMMDDHHMM Stand age measurement date
Please report the date at the precision known. Allowed reporting precisions are YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD, and YYYYMMDDHHMM. For measurements conducted during a campaign or for temporal averages, use DATE_START and DATE_END instead of DATE.
SA_DATE_START Ra M YYYYMMDDHHMM Start date of stand age measurment
Start date of a measurement campaign or start date of a temporal average. Please report the date at the precision known. Allowed reporting precisions are YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD, and YYYYMMDDHHMM.
SA_DATE_END Optional M YYYYMMDDHHMM End date of stand age measurment
End date of a measurement campaign or end date of a temporal average. Please report the date at the precision known. Allowed reporting precisions are YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD, and YYYYMMDDHHMM.
SA_DATE_UNC Optional M days Uncertainty in the stand age measurement date
If uncertainty in the start date differs than end date, report the uncertainty for start date here in DATE_UNC and the uncertainty for end date in Comments.
SA_COMMENT Optional M free text Stand age comments


STATISTIC Options (back to top)

Option Definition
Minimum Minimum value
1st Percentile Quantile at 1% of distribution
5th Percentile Quantile at 5% of distribution
10th Percentile Quantile at 10% of distribution
25th Percentile Quantile at 25% of distribution
Median – 50th Percentile Median – Quantile at 50% of distribution
75th Percentile Quantile at 75% of distribution
90th Percentile Quantile at 90% of distribution
95th Percentile Quantile at 95% of distribution
99th Percentile Quantile at 99% of distribution
Maximum Maximum value
Mean Average (mean) value of sample population
Standard Deviation Standard deviation may be reported from a sample population that consists of individual or aggregated samples (observations). If the distinction is important, specify in Comments.
Measurement Uncertainty Report uncertainty as a plus or minus value in the measurement units. For example, enter 1.5 for +/- 1.5 units. Uncertainty may be reported from the instrument’s specifications, determined empirically, or estimated by the tower team. Please describe such details in Approach. For uncertainty values that are better described by a range, a percent, or other, please enter information in Comments.
Single observation Single observation
Expert estimate Estimate made by expert familiar with site

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STATISTIC_TYPE Options (back to top)

Option Definition
Spatial The statistic indicated is a metric that describes the spatial component of the sample population. For example, use spatial for the standard devation of samples (observations) that represents different locations at the site for the same time period.

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