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Publications Found: 2

Evaluation Of Low-Cost, Automated Lake Ice Thickness Measurements
Reed, D. E., Desai, A. R., Whitaker, E. C., Nuckles, H.

Journal: Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology, Volume 36 (4): 527-534 (2019), ISBN . DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0214.1 Sites: US-Men, US-Pnp

Carbon Sink And Source Dynamics Of A Eutrophic Deep Lake Using Multiple Flux Observations Over Multiple Years
David E. Reed, Hilary A. Dugan, Amelia L. Flannery, Ankur R. Desai

Recent research has shown lakes play an outsized role in carbon cycling, but long‐term continuous observations and analysis of carbon dynamics are rare, limiting our understanding of interannual variation, important timescales of variability, and drivers of efflux. Therefore, we examined lake‐atmosphere carbon fluxes with the …

Journal: Limnology And Oceanography Letters, Volume : (2018), ISBN . DOI: 10.1002/lol2.10075 Sites: US-Men, US-Pnp