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Who we are
Natural climate solutions (NCS) are managed alterations to ecosystems designed to increase carbon sequestration or reduce greenhouse gas emissions. While they have growing public and private support, the realizable benefits and unintended consequences of NCS are not well understood. We are working to confront this knowledge gap using data and tools (e.g. flux towers) that have long been used to understand the mechanisms driving ecosystem carbon and energy cycling, but have not yet been widely applied to NCS.
To be added to our listserve, send an email to amerifluxncs-l@list.indiana.edu with the subject “subscribe.” The message can be blank.
Current Activities
- We send out a monthly enewsletter that includes information about upcoming events as well as a curated list of recent NCS-themed publications. If you would like to be added to the listserve, send an email to amerifluxncs-l-subscribe@indiana.edu with the subject “subscribe.” The message can be blank. You can also view an archive of the listserve messages. If you have an event or publication you’d like to recommend for inclusion in the newsletter, please email amerifluxncs@gmail.com.
- We are convening a session at the 2022 Ecological Society of America conference, happening in August, 2022 in Montreal. Natural Climate Solutions: New strategies for translating direct measurements to actionable information (Session ID 1149018). Stay tuned for the full line-up of speakers.
- We are coordinating a special issue of journal articles for studies that leverage flux measurement and modeling tools to increase the accessibility and robustness of NCS monitoring and accounting across temporal and spatial scales, landscape types, and management regimes. This issue provides an opportunity to bring the best available science to NCS applications, and test advances and challenges to support implementation and management strategies. More details about the journal and the submission period are forthcoming. In the meanwhile, please contact Ben Runkle (brrunkle@uark.edu) if you have a study in prep that might be appropriate for this special collection.
- We are organizing a series of workshops and webinars focused on connecting flux scientists with stakeholders connected to carbon markets and state- and federal agencies that are designing policies for implementing NCS at scale. We are seeking 1-2 additional volunteers to help with the co-organization and logistics of these workshops. If you are interested, please email Kim Novick (knovick@indiana.edu).
Informing Nature-based Climate Solutions for the U.S. with the best-available science | Paper | Kim Novick et al. |
An Ecosystem-Scale Flux Measurement Strategy to Assess Natural Climate Solutions | Paper | Kyle Hemes et al. |
“Translating Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Science from the Field to Federal Policy: Challenges and Opportunities for Nature-based Solutions to Advance Meaningful Climate Mitigation | Presentation at 2021 AmeriFlux Annual Meeting | Caroline Normile |
Exploring Natural Climate Solutions: Could flux towers be useful at industrial scales? | Presentation at AGU 2021 | Stefan Metzger |
Informing Nature-based Climate Solutions with the best available science | Presentation at AGU 2021 | Kim Novick |
Merging eddy covariance and remote sensing models to facilitate high resolution spatiotemporal monitoring of greenhouse gas budgets | Presentation at AGU 2021 | Susanne Wiesner |
Group Directory
Name | Affiliation |
Flurin Babst | University of Arizona |
George Burba | Li-Cor |
Daniela Cala | Indiana University - Bloomington |
Kyle Hemes | Amazon |
Dave Hollinger | USDA Forest Service |
John Knowles | California State University - Chico |
Marcy Litvak | University of New Mexico |
Stefan Metzger | NEON |
Caroline Normile | Bipartisan Policy Center |
Kim Novick | Indiana University - Bloomington |
Benjamin Runkle | University of Arkansas |
Susanne Wiesner | University of Wisconsin - Madison |