2019 AmeriFlux Early Career Workshop Overview

MEETING LOCATION:  Boulder, Colorado (Tuesday, September 17, 2019) [REGISTRATION CLOSED]

Millennium Harvest House Boulder
1345 28th Street
Boulder, Colorado  80302

There will be a half-day Early Career Workshop (to include a site tour at NEON HQ) on Tuesday, September 17th, in conjunction with the AmeriFlux Annual Meeting being held on September 18th and 19th.   The AmeriFlux Early Career workshop aims to familiarize participants with various Earth science data exploration and analysis tools. After the workshop, participants will be able to advance their own research using these tools. Additionally, the workshop will offer early career scientists opportunities to expand their research network and to initiate new collaborative projects. Participants will choose from breakout sessions on

  • accessing and analyzing NEON land-atmosphere flux data,

  • combining PhenoCam with flux observations,

  • analyzing methane flux data, and

  • collecting site description data through Google Earth Engine.

The workshop will be followed by a visit and guided tour at NEON Headquarters and a social get-together at a local brewery.

MEETING REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  Friday, August 16th (this is a free workshop for Early Career attendees)


LODGING DEADLINE:  Saturday, August 31st

  • 2019 AmeriFlux Early Career Workshop Agenda (draft agenda now available)
  • 2019 AmeriFlux Early Career Workshop Participants (will be posted after Friday, August 16th)

Please continue to check back with continued updates!  We look forward to seeing you.

on behalf of the Annual Meeting Committee:

Peter Blanken, Chair/Core Site PI, Univ CO Boulder
Trevor Keenan, Lead, AMP LBNL
Cove Sturtevant, NEON
Gavin McNicol, Stanford (CH4 Coordinator)
Manuel Helbig, McMaster University (Early Career Coordinator)
Tara Hudiburg, Univ Idaho
Susan Sprinkle, Logistics, AMP LBNL