2024 AmeriFlux Annual Meeting Agenda

click here to jump to Sept 4
click here to jump to Sept 5
click here to jump to Sept 6
click here to jump to Sept 10

Breakout session details  |  Abstracts  |  List of attendees

Tuesday, September 3 – Early Career Day and Welcome Evening

Time PacificTopic
12:30 PMIntroductions, Refreshments will be served
1:00 PMCareer Pathways Panel
2:30 PMSpeed Networking
4:00 PMCooperation and Co-production: how to build relationships and a public facing research program (FLUXNET Outreach Committee)
5:00 PMBerkeley Waterfront exploration (social)
6:30 PMWelcome Social for ALL MEETING ATTENDEES at the Doubletree Hilton

Wednesday, September 4 – Day 1 and Poster Session

Time PacificTopic
8:15 AMRefreshments will be served from 8:15AM
8:30 AMWelcome from the meeting Chair, DOE BER and AMP
9:00 AMOpening Session - Flux Data for Climate Impacts
Invited Plenary Talk: Rob Jackson, Stanford University: "FLUXNET-CH4, tropical wetlands, and potential methane tipping points"
Jackie Matthes, Harvard University: "Carbon & water cycling within a decade of precipitation extremes at Harvard Forest"
Christopher Still, Oregon State University & Linnia Hawkins, Columbia University: "Impacts of the June 2021 Heat Dome event on trees and forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA"
9:40 AMGroup Photo
10:10 AMPoster Session and Vendor Exhibit with Gold Sponsors Campbell Scientific and LICOR, and Bronze Sponsor Picarro
12:30 PMLunch and Poster Q&A
1:30-1:55PMPoster Session continued
1:55Session: In a new light - Approaches in data processing, modeling and upscaling
Invited Plenary Talk: Alejandro Cueva, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur: "An assessment of uncertainties in measurements of carbon dioxide and energy fluxes across the MexFlux Network"
Ngoc Nguyen, UC Berkeley: "Unaccounted carbon losses across global drylands"
Jake Searcy, University of Oregon: "High-Resolution CO2 Flux Prediction from Satellite Imagery with Footprint Aware Deep Learning"
Arman Ahmadi, UC Berkeley: "Elucidating Water Availability's Impact on Thermal Optimality in Terrestrial Ecosystems Using AmeriFlux Data and Machine Learning"
2:50-3:25PMDEI roundtable activity
3:25 PMBreak
3:40 PMBreakout sessions introduction
3:55 PMBreakout session (2 parallel tracks)
Mariposa RoomWorking session: Put your code on GitHub!
Main BallroomBreakout: Leveraging flux tower data for Nature-based Climate Solutions
5:00 PMAdjourn

Thursday, September 5 – Day 2 and Conference Dinner

Time PacificTopic
8:15 AMRefreshments will be served from 8:15 AM
8:30 AMAnnouncements Day 2
8:40 AMMorning Session: Remote Sensing
Invited Plenary Talks: Elsa Ordway, UCLA: Pangea NASA Scoping Study
Marcy Litvak, University of New Mexico & Dave Moore, University of Arizona & Russ Scott, USDA-ARS: ARID NASA Scoping Study
Emma Reich, Northern Arizona University: "Decoupling of transpiration, gross primary productivity, and solar-induced fluorescence at the ecosystem scale"
Yanghui Kang, UC Berkeley: "Assessing global impacts of CO2 fertilization on photosynthesis through machine learning upscaling of eddy covariance fluxes"
Rubaya Pervin, Indiana University: "DryFlux 2.0: Incorporating high frequency soil moisture to improve upscaled dryland carbon and water fluxes"
Keenan Ganz, University of Washington: "Overstory and understory leaves warm faster than air in evergreen needleleaf forests"
Pramit Burman, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology:"Spaceborne SIF signal detects the imprint of monsoon on the photosynthetic carbon uptake by a subtropical forest in India"
Sean Burns, University of Colorado, Boulder: "Using a pair of GPS sensors to measure vegetation optical depth (VOD) and relate it to the evaporation of intercepted rainfall in a subalpine forest"
10:45 AMBreakout Introductions
11:10 AMBreakout Session (3 parallel tracks)
Mariposa RoomBreakout: Flux data sonification
Yerba Buena RoomBreakout: Contributing to a new and continuous FLUXNET data release
Main BallroomBreakout: Bridging Scales: Integrating Remote Sensing and Flux Data for Effective Upscaling
12:20 PMLunch
1:25 PMCommunity Session: More than the sum of its parts
Invited Plenary Talk: Dennis Baldocchi, University of California, Berkeley: "Ameriflux 2024: Where the Whole Exceeds the Sum of the Parts"
Stefan Arndt, University of Melbourne & Peter Isaac, TERN Australia: "TERN OzFlux - the flux network in Australia and New Zealand"
Jen Diehl, Northern Arizona University: "The Great Thermal Bake–Off: A Hands-On Workshop for Enhancing Temperature Measurement Precision and Standardization for Improved Flux Interpretation and Application"
Tonantzin Terrazas, Instituto de Ecología, UNAM: Mexflux Update
Dario Papale, University of Tuscia: ICOS Update
Kyle Delwiche, UC Berkeley: FLUXNET Coop Update
2:50 PMBreak
3:10 PMBreakout sessions introduction
3:25 PMBreakout session (2 parallel tracks)
Yerba Buena RoomBreakout: Raw data processing
Main BallroomBreakout: Capacity Building for Flux Science: Taller de Aprendizaje de Flujos Ecosistémicos (TAFE)
4:35 PMAmeriFlux Management Project Update
5:00 PMReport back from breakout
6:25 PMBus transfer to conference dinner
6:45 PMConference Dinner at Babette Cafe

Friday, September 6 – Day 3 and Site Visit

Time PacificTopic
8:15 AMRefreshments will be served from 8:15 AM
8:30 AMWelcome Announcements Day 3
8:35 AMMorning Session: Fluxes everywhere, all at once (General Flux Science session)
Invited Plenary Talk: Jennifer Watts, Woodwell Climate Research Center: "Insights from 30+ Years of Arctic-Boreal Flux Observations: Key Discoveries and Future Directions"
Sonia Wharton, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: "Doppler lidar in forests for advancing our understanding of canopy-ABL processes"
Carlos Wang, UC Berkeley: "The reign of surface energy balance under advection"
Lianhong Gu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory: "Misunderstanding and mismeasurements of heat transfer are a key contributor to the observed Earth surface energy imbalance"
9:35 AMClosing Session
10:10 AMBus Transfer to Eden Landing (Field Site Visit)
10:55 AM-12:30 PMSite visit at Eden Landing Ecological Reserve, Site US-EDN. This is a wetland site at the San Francisco Bay, historically used for salt extraction, and now restored as a low salinity waterbird habitat. From the parking lot, we will walk approximately 30 mins one-way to the flux tower. The walk is completely flat, on even terrain, mainly gravel trails. Depending on the weather, it can be very sunny or moderately windy. There is no shade available; we strongly recommend to bring sunscreen, a hat and a water bottle. In addition to the site team led by Patty Oikawa, we will meet the Executive Project Manager for the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project Dave Halsing.
12:30-1:15 PMPicnic Lunch at Eden Landing Ecological Reserve
1:15PMAdjourn. Optional bus transfer back to the meeting venue. Alternatively, a rideshare can get you from the field visit location to SFO airport in 25 minutes, or to OAK airport in 20 minutes.

Tuesday, September 10 – Virtual Poster session!

11 AM-1PM Pacific Time/2-4PM Eastern Time

Join us in the virtual poster session for ALL attendees (in-person and virtual). We use an interactive virtual platform where you can ‘walk around’ and look at posters and discuss with presenters. When you are ready, just join us here (no account or download needed). If you would like to present your poster, please send a jpeg or png (<5MB) to cbuechner@lbl.gov as soon as possible!