The in-person part of this meeting will take place at the University of Michigan Biological Station. It takes a little effort to travel there, but is definitely worth it! See a video tour of the facility here (with an AmeriFlux member cameo!). The station includes cabins for lodging, shared meals in a cafeteria, and meeting rooms.
Location and Travel
The University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) is located at the northern end of the ‘Michigan mitten’, also called the lower peninsula. The nearby airport is Pellston Regional Airport (PLN), 15 minutes drive from UMBS.
Other airports in the area are
- Cherry Capital Airport (TVC, in Traverse City), 1hr 45 min drive away;
- Alpena County Regional Airport (APN), 1.5 hr drive away;
- Bishop International Airport (FNT, in Flint), 3hrs drive;
- Gerald R. Ford International Airport (GRR), 3.5 hrs drive; or
- Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (DTW), 4 hrs drive.
Due to the remote location of the site, many community members asked about carpooling. Once we open registration, we will provide a google sheet where interested parties can coordinate rides.
The address is
University of Michigan Biological Station
9133 Biological Rd.
Pellston, Michigan 49769-9149 USA
Find a map and driving directions on the UMBS website.

Cabins at UMBS, 2010. Photo: University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability, CC BY NC SA
The campus is laid out in the form of a small village along South Fishtail Bay on Douglas Lake. UMBS provides various research labs, teaching facilities, and lodging for their many visitors, who often stay on site for the whole field season. We will have the opportunity to enjoy the popular premises during our Annual Meeting.
The accommodations include rustic cabins, and a 14-room dormitory. Two dorm rooms share an adjoining bathroom, respectively (Jack-and-Jill style layout). Cabins include single cabins, shared cabins with separate rooms, and shared single-room cabins.
Please be aware that we only have a limited number of single rooms/cabins, and we expect that some attendees will need to share cabins in order to accommodate all interested community members at the limited space. We will try our best to take preferences into account for shared cabins, and will confirm your lodging arrangements before the meeting. You can help us out by volunteering to share, and you can let us know if you prefer to share with any specific person or gender. Contact to to let us know your preference.
PLEASE ALSO NOTE that the default at UMBS is for guests to bring their own sleeping bag or sheets and blankets (twin bed size). If you are unable to do so, be sure to contact us when registering, so we can discuss other options.
For more information on UMBS, review the guide to living at the station, and their recommended packing list.
Alternatively, you can arrange lodging for yourself in the area. The nearest hotel is the Pellston Lodge, and there are a few AirBnBs nearby. If you reserve a room at the Pellston Lodge, we recommend that you call them directly, and mention that the event is affiliated with University of Michigan, to get a room rate of $149.00 per evening plus tax.
Registration Cost
Registration fees:
LBL attendee (in person) $170
General attendee (in person) $170
Invited Speaker (in person) $0
Early Career (PhD Student, Undergraduate or Postdoc, in person) $100
Virtual attendee: $15
Registration fee for in-person attendees includes participation in all agenda elements, lunches, and an additional virtual poster session during the week following the meeting. Registration fee for virtual attendees includes live participation in plenary sessions and oral sessions via zoom, two virtual poster sessions (one during the meeting, and one the following week), and hybrid breakout sessions.
Optional add-on:
Lodging and meals at UMBS: $170
This covers accommodation for 3 nights (arrival Sept 6, departure Sept 9), as well as breakfast and dinners at the UMBS cafeteria. Be sure to read the section ‘Accommodations’ above, to learn about shared cabins and what you need to bring.
Meeting Facilities – Covid Precautions
Per station policy, you will be asked to confirm that you are vaccinated upon registering, or present a negative test within 48 hours of arriving. Please DO NOT email us copies of any health records! Bring your vaccine record (paper or digital) to the meeting, and show it upon request.
UMBS has a large auditorium, which provides space for social distancing. Weather permitting (although not guaranteed in September in Northern Michigan!), we will hold poster sessions, coffee breaks and meals outdoors. We recommend that you pack for comfort in crisp temperatures.
We strongly encourage that you self-test before and during the meeting, and stay masked indoors as much as possible.
We will be able to refund your registration fees if you withdraw on or before Aug 15. After If you cancel after Aug 15, we will keep $15 and refund the rest to you.